This is the distribution of "less", a paginator similar to "more" or "pg". The manual page is in less.nro INSTALLATION: 1. Move the distributed source to its own directory and unpack it by running "sh" on the distribution file, if you have not already done so. 2. Type "sh ./install" and answer the questions it asks. This will generate a makefile. If you choose not to include some features in your version, you may wish to edit the manual page less.nro and/or to remove the references to the appropriate commands or options. (NOTE: there are some pre-generated makefiles for various systems, named makefile.sys5, makefile.bsd41, etc. which may be used if you wish.) 3. It is a good idea to look over the generated makefile and make sure it looks ok. 4. Type "make" and watch the fun. 5. If the make succeeds, it will generate a program "less" in your current directory. Test the generated program. 6. When satisfied that it works, if you wish to install it in a public place, type "make install". If you have any problems building or running "less", suggestions, complaints, etc., you may mail to the author via USENET at: tektronix!nscpdc!convgt!mark or ihnp4!nsc!nscpdc!convgt!mark Note to hackers: comments noting possible improvements are enclosed in double curly brackets {{ like this }}.