Dr Halo is was a common drawing program that had several releases from 1984 to 1991. It got some good reviews at the time. Version II was released in 1985. To run the slide show boot the device driver and show program disk. Put the pictures disk in drive B Run SHOW Select 2 input slide show data from disk Select 4 or 5 to run the slide show To start Dr Halo drawing program boot device driver and show program disk. Put master disk in drive A Run init Program only uses two mouse buttons. Left is left but right is middle. Icons will show up on the left side and bottom. Many of them have sub icons. If you right click the icon you will get another selection at the top of the screen. To exit the addiional icons right click in empty area. To load a picture (.PIC) right click on the disk icon near the top left. Change word picture to B: then click ? to get a directory. Click on filename and then click go. Then click on disk icon with arrow pointing away from disk. These are pictures I found online that I converted from IBM EGA format to TI. The pictures are somewhat squished since the TI is 720x300 resolution and EGA is 640x350. To load the clipart put the disk in drive B and perform similar to above except using the scissor icon. Move the mouse and a box will show. Click left in paste the picture. Hitting space bar will toggle the icons to allow pasting in those areas. To stop pasting art move the cursor to the left and select a different function. To exit reboot or click the stop sign looking at the top left. When sub icons are up the cursor will go away when you leave the box with them. If you move the invisible cursor to the icons on the left it will appear again and you can select another operation. Printing works but colors are mapped to either black and white so may not print well. It doesn't dither colors to grayscale. looks somewhat like printout near top right. You will need to browse the manual to really know how to use the program. The pictures I found online and likely were drawn in Dr Halo. The readme on the disk gives more information. The clipart (.CUT) files were also found online. Most look like they were scanned or converted from something else. The mouse driver was modified to work with the mouse I got. It needed RTS to be high and the driver had it low. The disks have had files added/removed for the demo. Disk images were from winworld. A number of files to support other machines have been removed from the show disk make it bootable and put a couple pictures on it.