To run Lotus 123 put the system disk in drive A and worksheets disk in drive B. Boot the computer. See readme.txt on system disk. To load worksheet / F R. Highlight file and hit return. GRAPH1 - One of the tutorial worksheets. F10 will plot bar chart of data. Any key will return to spreadsheet. GRAPH2 - Another of the tutorial worksheets. F10 will plot bar chart of data. The following are from TI users group disks STATGRAF - Print statistics graphs. Follow instructions on screen. 88FEDTAX - worksheet for calculating your 1988 taxes. AMORT1X - Calculate loan amortization schedule. ALT-D to get to enter loan values. Scroll down to any of the green values starting at line 104, type in new value and hit return. Scroll down to line 119 to see payment table. CHKBK - Checkbook register program. Follow instructions on screen. To print graphs from GRAPH1 exit 123 Select PrintGraph. Put in PrintGraph disk when requested. Hit return on select. Use cursor keys to go to file to print. Hit space bar then return. The SALESBW prints best. Hit G or select Go from menu. ------------------------- Disk also contains some other programs you can run. This disk is not bootable so to use these boot the games disk. In \games are a couple games chess-ti - A chess program silo - Shoot down the ships etc game In \signmakr is a banner printing program cd \signmakr banner Type BDR30 for reasonable font. See *.KSE for other options Select output prn to print to printer or con to go to screen. A filename will write output to a file. Not much free space on disk. For fill character n will use default *.