There are 3 versions of spirograph fotran program. spiro.ft - uses same library as plotting programs spirod8.ft - Uses different plotter library. Think this may of been slightly faster but not sure why I have the two versions. spiroax.ft - Plots first using AX08 on storage monitor to see pattern quickly before plotting on plotter. Probably not useful. vcf24sys-music.rx02 has spid8e.ld which is likely spirod8.ft built. .R FRTS *SPID8E *$ (escape) Seems to run under emulation. Don't have stuff set up to test with plotter right now. The .bi files are the commands to build the fortran programs. These are based on Since browser java isn't supported anymore you can't run the version on the page unless you have an old browser around. With older jdk you can run it. appletviewer has been dropped in newer java /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- spiro.html This allows picking paramters you like before the slow plot. Note the fortran plot will not stop when it completes the drawing. At some point it will start drawing over existing lines. Control-c it then to stop. On the java program fixed cicle 58 moving circle 12 moving circle offset 19 and moving circle inside seemed to generate an ok plot.