The file 'logoman' in this directory is a nroff-style document which is a manual for this version of LOGO. LOGO has been adapted for the AT&T PC7300 in the following ways: - When you invoke 'logo', 2 windows will be created: a text window and a graphics window. The 'textscreen' command will enlarge the text window to fill the screen. The 'fullscreen' command will enlarge the graphics window to fill the screen. The 'splitscreen' command will restore the original window arrangement. - The windows can be resized and moved by the user, if desired. - If you invoke the 'edit' command and an EDITOR shell variable has been set to 'vi', a TERMCAP will automatically be created so that 'vi' will work in whatever size text window exists at the time. - The graphics window coordinates for turtle commands are automatically scaled, no matter what size window is used. The location 0,0 is always in the center of the graphics window. The upper right corner is 500,500 and the lower left corner is -500,-500. - Any problems, questions can be addressed to ihnp4!twitch!tjt. ...Tim Thompson...