1 3 5 yf 0 0 ~L AT&T UNIX PC Welcome to AT&T UNIX PC Electronic Mail ; 1 3 3 yf 0 0 ~L In-Box * From Subject Date Size Att. ~I-* Percy Budgets Mar 2 16:36 187~F * Jerry Meeting Mar 2 16:32 162 ; 3 4 5 ys 0 0 ~L Electonic Mail ~K FORWARD REPLY TO SEND OUT-BOX ALIASES LETTER LETTER MAIL Electronic Mail is set up just like your office, you check your in-box when you come in. ; 2 1 5 yf 1 0 ~L Letter - Text Page 1 From Percy Sat Mar 2 16:36 EST 1985< Date: Sat Mar 2 16:36 EST 1985< To: Max< Subject: Budgets< Default-Options: < UA-Message_ID: 5238< Message-Source: PC7300< Message-Version: 1< Content-Length: 187 bytes< < Max,< < Please remember our budget planning meeting with the Vice President of Finance is scheduled for next Wednesday at 1 PM. Please confirm that this time is convenient for you.< < Percy < ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~L Electronic Mail ~K MORE GO TO INDENT CENTER SOFT LINE SPECIAL PASTE KEYS PAGE PAGE FORMAT CHARS Messages can be read at your leisure. ; 2 7 5 yf 1 0 ~L E-Mail Commands Open Letter Delete Letter Un-Delete Letter Move Attachments Print Letter Copy Letter Move Letter Forward Letter ~I-Reply to Letter~F ; 3 4 5 ys 0 0 ~E ~L Electronic Mail After you read your message, you have the option to reply to it. ; 2 1 5 yf 1 0 ~L Letter - Text Percy,< < Unfortunately, Wednesday I have an appointment with one of our new board members, Dr. Stephen J. Carlson. Can we possibly reschedule for Thursday at 9 AM?< < Max< ; 3 4 5 ys 0 0 ~K MORE GO TO INDENT CENTER SOFT LINE SPECIAL PASTE KEYS PAGE PAGE FORMAT CHARS ~L Electronic Mail Text can be entered using the optional AT&T UNIX PC Word Processor or with UNIX editors. ; 1 3 5 yf 1 0 ~L Send Electronic Mail ~UMailing Envelope~F To: Percy Subject: Reply to Budgets ; 2 5 5 yf 1 0 ~L Exit Mail ~I-Send Letter~F Revise Letter Add Attachments Revise Envelope ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~E ~L Electronic Mail Transmit your message with the mailing envelope provided. ; 1 3 5 yf 0 0 ~L In-Box * From Subject Date Size Att. ~I-* Jerry Meeting Mar 2 16:32 162~F Percy Budgets Mar 2 16:36 Del'd ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~D 2 ~K FORWARD REPLY TO SEND OUT-BOX ALIASES LETTER LETTER MAIL ~L Electronic Mail You can easily delete any message after you've finished reading it. ; 2 1 5 yf 1 0 ~L Letter - Text Page 1 From Jerry Sat Mar 2 16:32 EST 1985< Date: Sat Mar 2 16:32 EST 1985< To: Max< Subject: Meeting< Default-Options: < UA-Message_ID: 5011< Message-Source: PC7300< Message-Version: 1< Content-Length: 162 bytes< < Hi Max!< < This is just to remind you of our very important meeting scheduled for Monday morning at 9 AM. Don't forget to bring those business projections!< < Jerry< ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~K MORE GO TO INDENT CENTER SOFT LINE SPECIAL PASTE KEYS PAGE PAGE FORMAT CHARS ~L Electronic Mail Message can be accessed in any order or at a later time. ; 2 1 5 yf 1 0 ~L Optional Special Delivery Options Copy: Marketing From: Send-By: Keywords: Paper-To: Paper-Cc: Sensitivity: company confidential Confirm Delivery: ~IYes ~F Priority Delivery: No Logo Letterhead: No Digitized Signature: No Business Format: No COD Payment: No ~I[OK]~F ; 3 11 5 ys 3 0 ~E ~L Electronic Mail Special Delivery Options are available. You can copy groups of individuals, restrict access or request delivery confirmation. ; 2 6 5 yf 1 0 ~L Create Alias ~UCreate Alias~F Alias: Marketing Value: ~Icrs jsm kmp des hsy ~F ~I[OK]~F ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~L Electronic Mail You can easily create an alias for a group of individuals. ; 2 1 2 yf 1 0 ~L Letter - Text Page 1 Jerry,< < I have worked up some preliminary budget projections using my SUPERcomp 20 software. Please review these figures prior to Monday's meeting.< < Max< ; 3 4 5 ys 2 0 ~K MORE GO TO INDENT CENTER SOFT LINE SPECIAL PASTE KEYS PAGE PAGE FORMAT CHARS ~L Electronic Mail Messages can be sent in the form of text... ; 1 3 5 yf 1 0 ~L Send Electronic Mail ~M Cursor to desired choice and touch ENTER ~UMailing Envelope~F To: Percy Subject: Reply to Meeting ; 2 5 5 yf 1 0 ~L Exit Mail Send Letter Revise Letter ~I-Add Attachments~F Revise Envelope ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~E ~L Electronic Mail or with attachments ... ; 2 8 5 yf 1 0 ~L E-Mail Attachments ~M Enter the full pathname of a file to be attached ~UAttachments~F ~Ibudget_proj ~F ~I[OK]~F ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~L Electronic Mail such as a SUPERcomp 20 spreadsheet. ; 2 3 5 yf 0 0 ~L In-Box * From Subject Date Size Att. ~I-* Jerry Confirm 9696 Mar 2 17:46 101~F Jerry Meeting Mar 2 16:32 162 ; 3 4 5 ys 0 0 ~K FORWARD REPLY TO SEND OUT-BOX ALIASES LETTER LETTER MAIL ~L Electronic Mail You can ask Electronic Mail for a confirmation that the mail you sent has been read. ; 2 1 5 yf 1 0 ~L Letter - Text Page 1 From Jerry Sat Mar 2 17:46 EST 1985< Date: Sat Mar 2 17:46 EST 1985< To: Max< Subject: Confirm 9696< Cc: < UA-Message_ID: 9751< Message-Source: PC7300< Message-Version: 1< Original-Recipient: Jerry< Original-Date: Sat Mar 2 17:45 EST 1985< Original-Subject: < Original-Cc: < < ; 3 4 5 ys 0 0 ~K MORE GO TO INDENT CENTER SOFT LINE SPECIAL PASTE KEYS PAGE PAGE FORMAT CHARS ~L Electronic Mail The confirmation note informs you of the date and time your message was read. ; 2 3 5 yf 0 0 ~L Out-Box * To Subject Date Size Att. ~I-* Jerry Confidential Mar 2 17:36 157 1~F Percy Reply to Bud< Mar 2 17:00 194 ; 3 4 5 ys 1 0 ~K FORWARD REPLY TO SEND OUT-BOX ALIASES LETTER LETTER MAIL ~L Electronic Mail Check your outbox if you ever need to read mail you have already sent.