^ Show the type of a trap ^[ Cancel command ^A Redo the previous command ^C Quit the game ^D Kick something (usually a door) ^E Search a room (available in debug mode only) ^F Map the level (available in debug mode only) ^G Create a monster (available in debug mode only) ^I Identify all items (available in debug mode only) ^O Show location of special levels (available in debug mode only) ^P Show previous message printed out ^R Redraw screen ^T Teleport around level ^V Teleport between levels (available in debug mode only) ^W Wish (available in debug mode only) ^X Show your intrinsic attributes (in debug or explore mode only) ^Z Suspend game (only if defined) a Apply (use) a tool A Remove all Armor b Go southwest 1 space B Go southwest until you are on top of something ^B Go southwest until you are near something c Close a door C Call (name) a particular monster d Drop an item D Drop specific item types e Eat something E Engrave writing on the floor g Followed by direction, move until you are near something G Followed by direction, same as control-direction h Go west 1 space H Go west until you are on top of something ^H Go west until you are near something i Show your inventory I Inventory specific item types j Go south 1 space (or if number_pad is on, jump to another location) J Go south until you are on top of something ^J Go south until you are near something k Go north 1 space (or if number_pad is on, kick something) K Go north until you are on top of something ^K Go north until you are near something l Go east 1 space (or if number_pad is on, loot a box on the floor) L Go east until you are on top of something ^L Go east until you are near something m Followed by direction, move without picking anything up M Followed by direction, move a distance without picking anything up n Go southeast 1 space N Go southeast until you are on something (if number_pad, name an object) ^N Go southeast until you are near something o Open a door O Set options (O? explains options) p Pay your shopping bill P Put on a ring q Quaff (drink) something Q Quit the game r Read a scroll (or spell book, if defined) R Remove a Ring s Search for traps and secret doors S Save the game t Throw something T Take off one piece of armor u Go northeast 1 space (or if number_pad is on, untrap something) U Go northeast until you are on top of something ^U Go northeast until you are near something v Show version V Show long version and game history w Wield (put in use) a weapon W Wear a piece of armor x List known spells (only if defined) X Enter explore (discovery) mode (only if defined) y Go northwest 1 space Y Go northwest until you are on top of something ^Y Go northwest until you are near something z Zap a wand Z Zap (cast) a spell (only if defined) < Go up a staircase > Go down a staircase / Show what type of thing a symbol corresponds to ? Give a help message & Tell what a command does ! Do a shell escape (only if defined) \ Show what object types have been discovered . Rest one move while doing nothing Rest one move while doing nothing (if rest_on_space option is on) : Look at what is on the floor @ Toggle the pickup option on/off ) Show the weapon currently wielded [ Show the armor currently worn = Show the ring(s) currently worn " Show the amulet currently worn ( Show the tools currently in use $ Count your gold + List known spells (only if defined) # Perform an extended command M-c Talk to someone M-d Dip an object into something M-f Force a lock M-j Jump to another location M-l Loot a box on the floor M-m Use a monster's special ability (only if defined) M-N Name an item or type of object M-o Offer a sacrifice to the gods (only if defined) M-p Pray to the gods for help (only if defined) M-r Rub a lamp M-s Sit down M-t Turn undead M-u Untrap something (usually a trapped object) M-v Print compile time options for this version of NetHack M-w Wipe off your face