#sccs "@(#)uts/kern/sys:filsys.h 1.1" /* Convergent Technologies - System V - May 1983 */ #ifndef filsys_h #define filsys_h #include /* * Structure of the super-block */ struct filsys { ushort s_isize; /* size in blocks of i-list */ daddr_t s_fsize; /* size in blocks of entire volume */ short s_nfree; /* number of addresses in s_free */ daddr_t s_free[NICFREE]; /* free block list */ short s_ninode; /* number of i-nodes in s_inode */ ino_t s_inode[NICINOD]; /* free i-node list */ char s_flock; /* lock during free list manipulation */ char s_ilock; /* lock during i-list manipulation */ char s_fmod; /* super block modified flag */ char s_ronly; /* mounted read-only flag */ time_t s_time; /* last super block update */ short s_dinfo[4]; /* device information */ daddr_t s_tfree; /* total free blocks*/ ino_t s_tinode; /* total free inodes */ char s_fname[6]; /* file system name */ char s_fpack[6]; /* file system pack name */ long s_fill[13]; /* ADJUST to make sizeof filsys be 512 */ long s_magic; /* magic number to indicate new file system */ long s_type; /* type of new file system */ long s_fill2[2]; /* final ADJUSTMENT so sizeof filsys is 512 */ }; #define FsMAGIC 0xfd187e20 /* s_magic number */ #define Fs1b 1 /* 512 byte block */ #define Fs2b 2 /* 1024 byte block */ #endif