/* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ #ident "@(#)/usr/include/sys/jioctl.h.sl 1.3 3.0 01/13/86 20155 AT&T-SF" /* ** Unix to Jerq I/O control codes */ #define JTYPE ('j'<<8) #define JBOOT (JTYPE|1) #define JTERM (JTYPE|2) #define JMPX (JTYPE|3) #define JTIMO (JTYPE|4) /* Timeouts in seconds */ #define JWINSIZE (JTYPE|5) #define JTIMOM (JTYPE|6) /* Timeouts in millisecs */ #define JZOMBOOT (JTYPE|7) #define JAGENT (JTYPE|9) /* control for both directions */ #define JTRUN (JTYPE|10) /* send runlayer command to layers*/ struct jwinsize { char bytesx, bytesy; /* Window size in characters */ short bitsx, bitsy; /* Window size in bits */ }; /** Channel 0 control message format **/ struct jerqmesg { char cmd; /* A control code above */ char chan; /* Channel it refers to */ }; /* ** Character-driven state machine information for Jerq to Unix communication. */ #define C_SENDCHAR 1 /* Send character to layer process */ #define C_NEW 2 /* Create new layer process group */ #define C_UNBLK 3 /* Unblock layer process */ #define C_DELETE 4 /* Delete layer process group */ #define C_EXIT 5 /* Exit */ #define C_DEFUNCT 6 /* Send terminate signal to proc. group */ #define C_SENDNCHARS 7 /* Send several characters to layer proc. */ #define C_RESHAPE 8 /* Layer has been reshaped */ #define C_RUN 9 /* Run command in layer */ /* ** Usual format is: [command][data] */ /* * This defines things to do with the host agent on the Blit. */ struct bagent{ int size; /* size of src string going in and dest string out */ char * src; /* address of the source byte string */ char * dest; /* address of the destination byte string */ };