'\"#ident "@(#)shells:eqn.stats 1.3" .H 1 "Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode" .P The mean is the arithmetic average for a set of scores. The formula for computing a mean (M) is .sp 2 .DS .EQ M ~=~ {sum from {i~=~1} to n {x sub i} } over n .EN .DE .P The median divides ranked scores into halves. Given that the \f2median interval\f1 is the score interval that contains the n/2nd largest score when scores are ordered by size, the formula for computing a median (Md) is .sp 4 .DS .EQ Md ~=~ left ( pile {Lower~real above limit~of above median~interval} right ) + left ( pile {width~of above median above interval} right ) left [ {(n / 2) - left ( pile {Cumulative above frequency~up\ to above the~median~interval} right )} over { pile {frequency~in above median~interval} } right ] .EN .DE .P The mode is the most frequently occurring score in a group of scores.