*sccs @(#)libhelp:bd 1.1 * * Messages for bdiff. * -1 "arg count" You invoked bdiff with either too few or too many arguments. -2 "both files standard input" You supplied a name of '-' for both file-name arguments to bdiff. Since '-' means to read the standard input, you are requesting that bdiff read it for both its inputs. That would lead to highly grungeular randomness. -3 "cannot fork, try again" Bdiff could not fork to invoke 'diff'. This is a system problem which may go away, so try again. If it doesn't, report it to the system support group. -4 "non-numeric limit" The argument supplied to bdiff to specify the segmentation limit bdiff is to use is not numeric. Only numeric characters may appear in this argument. -5 "cannot execute ..." The named program could not be executed by bdiff. It may be unexecutable, or it may have been removed. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -6 "... failed" The named program terminated with an error. It may have discovered an error condition or may have been interrupted. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -7 "can not write ..." An attempt to write to a temporary file in /tmp has been unsuccessful. The file system is probably out of space. See your System Administrator.