*sccs @(#)libhelp:cmds 1.1 * * Synopsis of SCCS commands * -delta delta [-r] [-s] [-n] [-g] [-m] [-y] [-p] file ... -get get [-r] [-c] [-i] [-x] [-a] [-k] [-e] [-l

] [-p] [-m] [-n] [-s] [-b] [-g] [-t] file ... -admin admin [-n] [-i] [-r] [-t] [-f>] ... [-d] ... [-a] ... [-e] ... [-m] [-y] [-h] [-z] file ... -help help [arg] (When all else fails execute "help stuck".) -what what file ... -comb comb [-o] [-s] [-p] [-c] file ... -bdiff bdiff file1 file2 [numarg] [-s] -cdc cdc -rSID [-m] [-y] file ... -rmdel rmdel -rSID file ... -sccsdiff sccsdiff old-spec new-spec [pr-args] sccsfile ... -stuck First, if you know the value of the system error number (errno), you can look up a description of it in INTRO(2). If you don't know the error number, or you don't understand what's going on - Try the following, in order: 1. Make sure the answer isn't in the documentation. 2. Try to write(1) to anyone logged in as "adm". 3. Contact your UNIX counsellor. 4. File an MR (see System Administrator for instructions). -val val - val [-s] [-r] [-m] [-y] file ... -vc vc [-a] [-t] [-c] [-s] [keyword=value ... keyword=value] -prs prs [-d] [-r] [-e] [-l] [-a] file ... (do 'help prs_kywds' for description of recognized data keywords) -prs_kywds List of Data Keywords Recognized by the _p_r_s Command Data SCCS File Value Format Keyword Data Item Section Type Type :Dt: Whole delta line Delta Table all delta line info S :DL: Delta line stats " :Li:/:Ld:/:Lu: S :Li: Lines ins by delta " nnnnn S :Ld: Lines del by delta " nnnnn S :Lu: Lines unc by delta " nnnnn S :DT: Delta type " D or R S :I: SID " :R:.:L:.:B:.:S: S :R: Release number " nnnn S :L: Level number " nnnn S :B: Branch number " nnnn S :S: Sequence number " nnnn S :D: Date delta created " :Dy:/:Dm:/:Dd: S :Dy: Year delta created " nn S :Dm: Month delta created " nn S :Dd: Day delta created " nn S :T: Time delta created " :Th::Tm::Ts: S :Th: Hour delta created " nn S :Tm: Minutes delta created " nn S :Ts: Seconds delta created " nn S :P: Pgmr who created delta " logname S :DS: Delta seq number " nnnn S :DP: Pred delta seq number " nnnn S :DI: Deltas inc,exc,ignored " :Dn:/:Dx:/:Dg: S :Dn: Deltas included " :DS: :DS: ... S :Dx: Deltas excluded " :DS: :DS: ... S :Dg: Deltas ignored " :DS: :DS: ... S :MR: MR numbers " text M :C: Comments " text M :UN: User names User Names text M :FL: Flag List Flags desc of all flags set M :Y: Type flag " module type S :MF: MR valid flag " yes or no S :MP: MR valid pgm. " text S :KF: Kywd err/warn flag " yes or no S :BF: Branch flag " yes or no S :J: Joint edit flag " yes or no S :LK: Locked releases " :R: ... S :Q: User defined keyword " text S :M: Module name flag " module name S :FB: Floor boundary " :R: S :CB: Ceiling boundary " :R: S :Ds: Default SID " :I: S :ND: Null delta flag " yes or no S :FD: Descriptive text Comments text M :BD: Body Body text M :GB: Gotten body " text M :W: form of _w_h_a_t(I) str N/A :Z::M:\t:I: S :A: form of _w_h_a_t(I) str N/A :Z::Y: :M: :I::Z: S :Z: _w_h_a_t(I) str construct N/A @(#) S :F: File name N/A file name S :PN: Pathname N/A pathname S