*sccs @(#)libhelp:co 1.1 * * Messages from routines in 'com' directory of sccs. * -1 "not an SCCS file" A file that you think is an SCCS file does not begin with the characters "s.". -3 "more than one link" SCCS files may only have one name (link). This is because the delta program unlinks the old file and then links to the new file. -4 "format error at line ..." FIRST OF ALL, ARE YOU SURE THAT THE NAMED FILE IS A RELEASE 4 SCCS FILE? (see PIB 77-05). The format of the SCCS file is logically invalid. The error was discovered at the stated line. See if you can find the problem with the prs command. If not, do a "help stuck". -5 "premature eof" The SCCS file ended in a strange place. Its probably a goner. You can try "help stuck", but chances are you're going to have to go to a backup copy. -6 "corrupted file" The computed hash count of the input SCCS file did not check with the stored hash count. The file may have been damaged since it was last accessed. See your local SCCS maintenance person. -7 "too long" The pathname is too long. -8 "invalid sid" The specified sid is syntactically incorrect. -10 "clock set wrong!!!" The time of day is wrong. Contact your local UNIX support group immediately! (Try a "date" command.) (This error is produced whenever the creation date of the newest delta in the SCCS file is newer than the current date. This will happen whenever the date is accidently set wrong. This error will also occur if a delta was created while the clock was set ahead - but less than a year - and has since been corrected. In this case the current time is correct, but the date of the delta is wrong.) -11 "Clock may be set wrong!" The time of day may be set wrong. Check the current time with the "date" command. If it is wrong, contact your local UNIX support group immediately! (This message is produced whenever the difference between the current date and the creation date of the newest delta in the SCCS file is greater than one year.) -12 "bad range" In a delta list, the two limits of a range of deltas were not in ascending order. -13 "delta list syntax" A list of deltas was syntatically erroneous. The correct syntax is: ::= | , ::= | - ::= | . -14 "not authorized to make deltas" Your login name or group ID is not on the list of users who are allowed to add deltas to this file. You can execute "prs -d:UN: file" to see who is allowed. See your project administrator to get your login name or group ID on the list. -15 "release ... < ... (floor)" Either the release you specified or else the default release is lower than the lowest allowable release (the floor). If you're not sure what's wrong see your SCCS administrator. -16 "release ... > ... (ceiling)" Either the release you specified or else the default release is higher than the highest allowable release (the ceiling). If you're not sure what's wrong see your SCCS administrator. -17 "bad p-file format" The p-file is messed up. Get your local source code administrator to fix it. -18 "line too long" Don't type so much on a line. -19 "response too long" A response can't be so long. Try typing less (maybe you can reference some other document). -20 "cannot fork; try again" The system is busy; you'll have to try again later. -21 "too many MRs" You can't enter so many MRs. Sorry. -22 "out of space" Your MRs took up too much memory. Type less. -23 ... locked against editing The specified release (or possibly all releases) for the SCCS file have been locked using the _l flag of admin. Do a 'prs -d:LK: s.filename' to see a list of locked releases (_a means "all"). -24 "MR number too long" You entered an MR number which is much to long. Remember, multiple MRs should be separated by spaces or tabs. -25 "begins" An include/exclude conflict exists beginning here. The SID's in the include/exclude list change conflicting lines. The lines involved may not be correct. -26 "ends" An include/exclude conflict ends here. The SID's in the include/exclude list change conflicting lines. The lines preceding this message may be incorrect.