*sccs @(#)libhelp:de 1.1 -1 "missing -r argument" You must specify an SID when you are listed more than once in the p-file. -2 "login name or SID specified not in p-file" Either your login name, or the SID you specified, is not listed in the p-file. You probably forgot to do a get -e, or supplied the wrong SID. -3 "invalid sid in p-file" Get your local source code administrator to fix up the p-file. -4 "diff failed" The program delta uses to determine what changed failed, and the delta is not made. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -5 "internal error in delta/enter()" Report this to your local SCCS support personnel immediately. -6 "internal error in delta/enter()" Report this to your local SCCS support personnel immediately. -7 "internal error in delta/enter()" Report this to your local SCCS support personnel immediately. -8 "MRs not allowed" You specified MRs, but the file being processed doesn't allow them. -9 "invalid MRs" The MR validation program returned a non-zero status to delta. This indicates that one or more of the MRs specified are invalid. -10 "MRs required" No MRs were specified, but the file being processed requires them. -11 "cannot fork, try again" Delta could not fork to invoke the program it uses to determine what has changed in the SCCS file. This is a system problem which may go away, so try again. If it doesn't, report it to the system support group. -12 "cannot execute ..." The named program, used by delta to determine what changed in the SCCS file, could not be executed. It may be unexecutable, or it may have been removed. Contact SCCS support personnel for further assistance. -13 "... failed, re-trying, segmentation = ..." The named program, used by delta to determine what has changed in the SCCS file, has failed. The most likely cause is that the files to be compared by the named program are being segmented into chunks which are too large. Therefore, delta re-tries with smaller chunks. (However, the smallest chunk it will try is 500 lines. If this fails, it gives up hope and terminates processing of the SCCS file.) Do a "help de17" for more information. -14 "leading SOH char in line ... of file ... not allowed" The ASCII character SOH (binary 001) is in the first position of a line. This character is not allowed in the first position for any line of text in an SCCS file. However, it may be used if it is escaped. -15 "ambiguous `r' keyletter value" Which delta (SID) do you want to make? Look at the p-file, pick one, and specify it with the `-r' keyletter. -16 When delta reads arguments from the standard input it will not prompt for comments or MRs, so these values must be supplied with the file argument. -17 Because of the segmentation problem which is caused by limited system work space, the SCCS file that delta created may occupy an inordinate amount of file space. To reduce the size of the SCCS file, the user may want to remove the delta just created and retry when the system is more lightly loaded (and hopefully more work space is available). If no subsequent delta has been made, the procedure for doing this would be: 1. get -k s.file 2. rmdel -rSID s.file 3. get -e -g s.file 4. delta s.file where, of course, SID and file are specified appropriately. Also steps 1 and 3 may require that you specify a SID, depending on your situation.