*sccs @(#)libhelp:ge 1.1 * * Messages for get command of SCCS. * -3 "e not allowed with m" You can't use both the -e and -m arguments on the same get command. -4 "writable `...' exists" For safety's sake, SCCS won't overwrite an existing g-file if it's writable. If you don't need the g-file, remove it and rerun the get command. -5 "nonexistent sid" The specified sid does not exist in the given file. Check for typos. -9 "... already included" You mentioned the same delta twice with an -i and/or an -x argument. -10 "... already excluded" You mentioned the same delta twice with an -x and/or an -i argument. -11 "internal error in get/enter()" ``Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate'' This shouldn't have happened!! Do a "help stuck". -17 "being edited: `...'" You can't do a get with an -e argument because someone else already did and hasn't made a delta yet. If that someone else is really you, you can regenerate a new file to be edited, if necessary, by using the -k argument. If you want to cancel the reservation entirely, see your SCCS administrator, and tell him/her you want the p-file edited. The data in quotes is from the p-file. -18 "being edited: `...'" Someone else has done a get with an -e argument. This can't hurt what you're doing, but isn't it nice to know that someone else is making deltas to this file too? -19 "release locked against editing" The release retrieved by `get' for editing purposes (get -e ) is locked against further editing. "prs -d:LK:" on the SCCS file tells you which releases are locked. The `admin' command is used to lock and unlock releases. -20 "curdir failed" Re-check what you did. Re-try the command. If the problem persists, contact your local UNIX administrator. -21 "cannot change directory" If you know the directory name, then check to see if it exists. Re-try the command. If the problem persists, contact your local UNIX administrator. -22 "r out of range" The release number specified with the -r keyletter is out of range. This means the number was greater than 9999 or less than 1.