*sccs @(#)libhelp:rc 1.1 * * Messages for SCCS rmdel-cdc commands. * -1 "missing r" You did not specify the 'r' keyletter when you invoked rmdel or cdc. This argument is always required. -2 "file ... does not exist" You named a file to be processed and it does not exist. -3 "nonexistent sid" You specified an SID, via the r keyletter, which is not an SID of the SCCS file. -4 "you are neither owner nor ..." You either don't own the file you are trying to process or your login-name is not the same as the one that created the delta. Only the creator of a delta (or your SCCS administrator, who owns the file) can rmdel or cdc a delta. -5 "not a 'leaf' delta" You are attempting to remove a delta which is not the newest (most recent) delta in its branch of the delta tree. Only the latest may be removed. -6 "MRs not allowed" Chghist has determined that MR numbers cannot be specified for the SCCS file since the file does not have a 'v' flag. -7 "invalid MRs" One of the MR numbers you entered in response to a prompt by cdc is invalid, as determined by the validation program specified in the 'v' flag of the SCCS file. -8 "MRs required" Chghist has determined that MR numbers are required for the SCCS file it is processing (the file has a 'v' flag), but none were supplied. -9 "delta specified has delivered MR" The delta your are processing with 'rmdel' or 'cdc' contains an MR number entry which has been marked 'delivered'. You cannot rmdel or cdc such a delta, as that would be in violation of a Change Management Prime Directive. See your SCCS administrator for further information. -10 "bad invocation" You invoked 'rmdel' or 'cdc' by some name other than (n)rmdel or (n)cdc (you have a link to it). The program's execution depends on being invoked by one of these names only. -11 "r has no sid" You specified the 'r' keyletter but did not specify the SID of the delta to be processed. Both are required. -12 "being edited -- sid is in p-file" Someone is in the process of making a delta based upon the same delta (sid) you specified with the 'r' keyletter. This is indicated by the presence of the specified sid in an entry of the p-file for the named SCCS file. Removal of the delta specified is prohibited because its removal would interfere with other work in progress.