*sccs @(#)libhelp:vc 1.1 * * Messages for the vc command. * -1 "unknown command on line ..." The line given begins with a control character, but the command is not a legal one. -2 "`...' never used" The given keyword name was never used in any replacements. This is only a warning. -3 "`...' never declared" The given keyword name never occured in a `dcl' statement. If you did declare it, check for typos. This is only a warning. -4 "`If' with no matching `end'" There is a missing `end' statement, or an extra `if' statement. -5 "`...' declared twice on line ..." The named keyword has been redeclared on the indicated line. -6 "out of space" A maximum of 40 keywords per invocation of vc are allowed. This limit has been exceeded. -7 "unmatched `:' on line ..." On the given line there is no control character to indicate the end of the keyword name. -8 "keyword name too long on line ..." On the indicated line a keyword name exceeds nine characters. -9 "invalid keyword name on line ..." On the indicated line the keyword name does not start with an alphabetic character, or does not contain only alphanumeric characters. -10 "`end' without matching `if' on line ..." There is an extra `end' statement or a missing `if' statement. -11 "parenthesis error on line ..." A left parenthesis occured with no matching right parenthesis or a parenthesis was found where it was not expected. -12 "invalid operator on line ..." An unrecognized operator was found. The legal operators are `!=', `=', `<', and `>'. -14 "non-numerical value on line ..." On the indicated line an attempt was made to compare a string which contains non-numeric characters with another string using the `<' or `>' operator. -15 "err statement on line ..." The user has put an `err' statement on the given line. -16 "out of space [line ...]" The indicated line requires too many replacements. Currently, only 32 replacements per line are allowed. -17 "syntax on line ..." The equal sign has been left out of an `asg' statement, or the right side of an `asg' statement is missing. -18 "syntax on line ..." The syntax for the `if' statement on the indicated line is incorrect. An `&' or an `|' occurred in the wrong place, or were not found when they were expected. -19 "syntax on line ..." There is something strange about the indicated line. -20 "`...' never assigned a value" The given keyword name was never used in an assignment statement. This is only a warning.