edit --Command, zero or one input. Abbreviation: ed The input to this command must be a word, which is the name of a procedure, or a list of words, each of which is the name of a procedure. (Unlike the to command, but like all other Logo procedures, the edit command evaluates its input, so you must use a quotation mark before the procedure name, if only one is given, to indicate that it is the name itself which is the input to edit; otherwise Logo would actually run the procedure to calculate the input to edit.) The procedure you name may or may not already be defined. Logo responds to the edit command by running the text editor edt, editing the definition of the procedure(s) named in its input. (If a procedure was not previously defined, Logo creates an initial definition for it which contains only a title line and the end line.) You then edit the definition(s) with edt. When you write the file and leave edt, Logo will use the edited file as the definition(s) of the procedure(s). You must not put anything in the file except procedure definitions; in other words, every nonempty line in the file must be between a "to" line and an "end" line. If the edit command is given with no input, edt is given the same file as from the last time you used the edit command. This is a convenience for editing the same procedure(s) repeatedly. If, while editing, you change your mind and want to leave edt without redefining anything, use the command ESC ^Z instead of the normal ^Z. This special way of leaving edt tells Logo not to redefine your procedures. You have the choice, before exiting edt, of writing or not writing the temporary file which contains the definitions. If you don't write the file, another edit command with no input will re-read the previous contents of the temporary file; if you do, another edit will re-read the new version. If your Unix environment contains a variable named EDITOR, the contents of that variable is used as the name of the text editor program instead of the standard edt. The variable can contain a full pathname, or just a program name if the program can be found in /bin or /usr/bin. Your favorite editor may not have a facility like edt's ESC ^Z to abort redefinition.