pencolor --Command, one input. Abbreviation: penc This command applies only to the display turtle. Its effect is different depending on how each type of terminal supports color. For the Atari, the input must be an integer between 0 and 6. An input of 0 enters black-and-white display mode (which is the turtle's initial mode), in which lines are as thin as possible but there is no control of color. Any other input selects color mode, in which lines are twice as thick, so the effective size of the screen is smaller, but colors can be used. There are, in color mode, three possible pen colors, numbered 1 to 3. There are 256 possible colors, but only three can be on the screen at a time; the setcolor command is used to decide which pen draws in which actual color. If the input is 4, 5, or 6, the color is that of pen 1, 2, or 3, respectively, but lines are drawn in "fill mode": for each point inked, all points to its right are also inked until a point is reached which was already inked. On the Gigi, there is only one mode, and there is no loss of resolution in using color. The input must be between 0 and 7; 0 means black, 7 means white. The ADM, Tektronix, and Sun displays do not have multi- color drawing.