turtle --Command, one input. Abbreviation: tur The input is the name of a turtle. You can only control one turtle at a time, so using this command a second time releases the turtle previously selected. The names of floor turtles are numbers like 0 and 1. If you are using a graphics display terminal (not just a text display trminal), you can control the display turtle by using the word display (or the abbreviation dpy) as the turtle name. (As usual, the word must be preceded by a quotation mark.) If you use a graphics primitive without selecting a turtle, Logo assumes that you want to use the display turtle. But once you select a floor turtle, you must say turtle "display explicitly to switch to the display. The word off as input to the turtle command releases a floor turtle, if you have one, or turns off the graphics display if you have been using the display turtle. This also happens when you leave Logo.