'\" Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T '\" All Rights Reserved '\" THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T '\" The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual '\" or intended publication of such source code. '\"#ident "UNIX PC DWB" '\" '\"tab begins comments. '\" No comments should appear on the same line as the string '\" definition. '\" '\" The following string is used by the macro MT. '\" ]S defined as logo character '\" .ds]S \s36\(Lb\s0 '\" }Z defined as Company Name .ds}Z AT&T '\" '\" The following strings are used by the macro PM: '\" '\" Proprietary marking "PM1" (BP and default) lines 1-4 .ds]M \fBAT&T - PROPRIETARY\fR .ds]O Not for use or disclosure outside of .ds]Q AT&T or its affiliated companies .ds]R except under written agreement. '\" Proprietary marking "PM2" (P) lines 1-4 .ds]A \fBAT&T - PROPRIETARY (RESTRICTED)\fR .ds]F Information herein is solely for persons having a need- .ds]G to-know as authorized by the Director of the originating .ds]H organization. Reproduction is prohibited. '\" Proprietary marking "PM3" (BR) lines 1-5 .ds]I \fBAT&T - PROPRIETARY (REGISTERED)\fR .ds]J Information herein is solely for persons having a need- .ds]K to-know as authorized by the Director of the originating .ds]L organization. Reproduction is prohibited. This document .ds]P is subject to cover sheet restrictions. '\" Proprietary marking "PM4" lines 1-5 .ds]U \fBAT&T - PROPRIETARY (REGISTERED)\fR .ds]V Information herein is solely for persons having a need- .ds]W to-know as authorized by the Director of the originating .ds]X organization. Reproduction is prohibited. This document .ds]Y is subject to cover sheet restrictions. '\" Proprietary marking "PM5" lines 1-4 .ds]i \fBAT&T - PROPRIETARY\fR .ds]j Not for use or disclosure outside of .ds]k AT&T or its affiliated companies .ds]l except under written agreement. '\" Proprietary marking "PM6" lines 1-4 .ds]m \fBAT&T - PROPRIETARY\fR .ds]o Not for use or disclosure outside of .ds]p AT&T or its affiliated companies .ds]q except under written agreement.