#sccs "@(#)adminlib:Modem.form 1.1" # FILE: Modem.form # # This is the /usr/lib/ua file referenced by /usr/bin/Modem.sh # # PURPOSE: Control of /etc/.modem # Form = Modem Information Label = Configuration of the Modem Name = Is the International modem Answer tone in effect? Prompt = If outside United States or calling outside US, set to YES. Frow = 0 Ncol = 0 Fcol = 56 Flen = 3 Value = $IAT Rmenu = Yes/No Name = Is the International modem guard tone in effect? Prompt = If outside USA and data calls are getting dropped, set to YES. Frow = 1 Ncol = 0 Fcol = 56 Flen = 3 Value = $IGT Rmenu = Yes/No Menu=Yes/No Name=YES Name=NO