#sccs "@(#)adminlib:SLsys.form 1.2" # # FILE: Lsys.form # # This is the /usr/lib/ua file referenced by /usr/bin/Lsys.sh # # PURPOSE: Allow electronic mail by making L.sys entries # Form = Showing information for the receiving computer: Label = Showing Definition of Called Computer Name = Name of receiving computer : Prompt = Showing definition of called computer. Frow = 0 Ncol = 4 Fcol = 37 Flen = 9 Value = $NEWNAME Name = Electronic mail login name : Prompt = Showing the receiving computer's special login for mailing. Frow = 1 Ncol = 4 Fcol = 37 Flen = 14 Value = $UUCP Name = Electronic mail password : Prompt = Auto-call password as supplied by Administrator of receiving computer. Frow = 2 Ncol = 6 Fcol = 37 Flen = 14 Value = $PASSWD Name = Days of week calls are allowed : Prompt = Showing days of week at which calls may be placed. Frow = 3 Ncol = 0 Fcol = 37 Flen = 14 Value = $DAYS Rmenu = days Menuonly Name = Hours when calls are allowed : Prompt = Showing select hours at which calls may be placed. Frow = 4 Ncol = 2 Fcol = 37 Flen = 25 Value = $HOURS Rmenu = hours Menuonly Name = 1st choice method : Prompt = Showing first method of mailing. Frow = 6 Ncol = 1 Fcol = 23 Flen = 7 Value = $FIRST Rmenu = Method Menuonly Name = Baud rate : Prompt = Showing the Communication speed receiving computer uses for 1st method. Frow = 6 Ncol = 32 Fcol = 45 Flen = 7 Value = $BAUD1 Rmenu = 1st Baud Menuonly Name = 2nd choice method : Prompt = Showing second method of mailing. Frow = 7 Ncol = 1 Fcol = 23 Flen = 7 Value = $SECOND Rmenu = Second Menuonly Name = Baud rate : Prompt = Showing the Communication speed receiving computer uses for 2nd method. Frow = 7 Ncol = 32 Fcol = 45 Flen = 7 Value = $BAUD2 Rmenu = 2nd Baud Menuonly Name = 3rd choice method : Prompt = Showing last method of mailing. Frow = 8 Ncol = 1 Fcol = 23 Flen = 7 Value = $THIRD Rmenu = Third Menuonly Name = Baud rate : Prompt = Showing the Communication speed receiving computer uses for 3rd method. Frow = 8 Ncol = 32 Fcol = 45 Flen = 7 Value = $BAUD3 Rmenu = 3rd Baud Menuonly Menu = hours Prompt = Select allowed hours for calling the receiving computer. Name = ALL TIMES Name = WORKING HOURS (9am-5pm) Name = NIGHT ONLY (5pm-9am) Name = LATE NIGHT (11pm-5am) Menu = days Prompt = Select choice and press Enter. Name = ALL DAYS Name = WEEKDAYS ONLY Name = WEEKENDS ONLY Name = NEVER SEND Menu = Yes/No Prompt = Yes/No Name = Yes Name = No Menu = Method Prompt = Select first calling method. Name = PHONE Name = RS232 Name = STARLAN Menu = Second Prompt = Select second calling method. Name = NONE Name = PHONE Name = RS232 Name = STARLAN Menu = Third Prompt = Select third calling method. Name = NONE Name = PHONE Name = RS232 Name = STARLAN Menu = 1st Baud Prompt = Communication speed to use for the first method. Name = 150 Name = 300 Name = 1200 Name = 2400 Name = 4800 Name = 9600 Name = STARLAN Menu = 2nd Baud Prompt = Communication speed to use for the second method. Name = NONE Name = 150 Name = 300 Name = 1200 Name = 2400 Name = 4800 Name = 9600 Name = STARLAN Menu = 3rd Baud Prompt = Communication speed to use for the third method. Name = NONE Name = 150 Name = 300 Name = 1200 Name = 2400 Name = 4800 Name = 9600 Name = STARLAN