Wlabel = "Calculator Help" Contents = Overview, Memory, Errors, Options, Decimal Display Name = Overview Llabel = " USE OF CALCULTR" Slabel = " USE " Branch = Memory, Errors, Options, Decimal Display Title = "How to use the Calculator" Text = The Four-Function Calculator is used like an ordinary calculator. \ A number may be entered into the calculator by pointing to the \ number keys of the calculator with the mouse and pressing the left-hand \ button on the mouse or by pressing the appropriate number key on the \ keyboard. To complete the entry of a number, point to an operator key \ (+,-,*,/), the "=" key or a memory key (M+, M-) and press the mouse \ button. To change the sign of a number that has been entered, point \ to the "+/-" key and press the mouse button. \EOT\ Name = Memory Llabel = "CALCULTR MEMORY" Slabel = " MEMORY " Branch = Overview, Errors, Options, Decimal Display Title = "Calculator Memory" Text = The calculator has a "memory" so that intermediate results can be saved. \ Special calculator keys allow the calculator value to be added to or \ subtracted from the value in memory. The "MR" key is used to recall the \ value in memory. These memory functions can be performed using the mouse \ or the labeled function keys. An "M" is displayed to the right of the \ calculator value whenever a value is in memory. The value in memory can be displayed in a special window. See the Options \ screen for more information on displaying the memory register. \EOT\ Name = Errors Llabel = "CLEARING ERRORS" Slabel = " ERRORS " Branch = Overview, Memory, Options, Decimal Display Title = "Clearing Errors" Text = If a number is entered incorrectly, clear the error by pressing the "Clear \ Entry" function key. To clear the calculator to start a new calculation, \ press the "Clear All" function key. The memory can be cleared with the \ "Clear Memory" function key. \EOT\ Name = Options Llabel = "OPTIONS " Slabel = "OPTIONS " Branch = Overview, Memory, Errors, Decimal Display Title = "Calculator Options" Text = Options may be set to display the value in the memory register and to fix \ the number of decimal places displayed. Press the OPTS key or the middle \ button of the mouse to display the Options window. The Options window is \ also used to close the memory register window and to display additional \ information about the calculator program. \EOT\ Name = Decimal Display Llabel = "DECIMAL DISPLAY" Slabel = "DECIMALS" Branch = Overview, Memory, Errors Title = "Decimal Display" Text = The number of decimal places to be displayed in the result may be selected. \ From the Options window, select the "Set Decimal Display" option. \ A new window will be displayed and the number of decimal places can be \ selected. Numbers entered into the calculator and the results of \ calculations will be rounded to the desired precision. If the number of decimal places chosen is "None", all results will be \ rounded to the nearest integer. If the number of decimal places chosen \ is "Variable", as many decimal places as will fit in the calculator display \ will be used. \EOT\