Wlabel = "The game of LIFE" Contents = Description,Directions Name = Description Llabel = " Rules" Slabel = "HELP" Branch = Description,Directions Title = "How LIFE goes on" Text = LIFE is played on an imaginary planet. \ Consider the window as a flattened out view of the entire planet. \ If a being exits to one side of the window it appears at the opposite side. \ Each being is surrounded by eight cells. \ Each cell can either be empty or contain a living being. \ Succeding generations are determined as follows. If a particular being has 2 alive neighbors its does not change \ in the next generation. \ If it was alive it lives, if it was dead it still is. If a being has 3 alive neighbors it lives in the next generation. \ If it was alive it lives, if it was dead it is re-born. If a being has 0 or 1 alive neighbors it dies from lonleyness. \ If it has 4 or more alive neighbors it dies from over population. \EOT\ Name = Directions Llabel = " How to play" Slabel = "HELP" Branch = Description,Directions Title = "Playing LIFE" Text = Playing LIFE is simple. An initial group of beings is placed in the window or on the planet \ and the life cycle begins. Use the mouse to create life forms by pressing the center \ button or abort a life form by pressing the right button. \ New generations are spawned by pressing the left button or Enter key. The universe can also be resized for interesting results. \EOT\