Wlabel = "Mail Setup Help" Contents = General, Mail Logins, Connections, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Name = General Llabel = " MAIL SETUP" Slabel = "General" Branch = Mail Logins, Connections, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Setup" Text = Electronic Mail requires the set-up of a table containing the names \ of all systems with which users on this system wish to communicate. \ Communication can be established through telephone lines, RS232 lines, \ and special local area networks such as Starlan and Ethernet. The \ options listed in the 'Connections' menu reflect the devices set up \ through Administration/Hardware Setup. In some cases multiple connections may exist one system and another such \ as multiple telephone numbers or a telephone line and a RS232 line. In \ these cases, one entry should be made for each possibility. Electronic \ Mail will use the connection that appears first in the list of \ possibilities and proceed to the next if a failure is detected of the \ connection is busy. Telephone numbers are required for all telephone connections. Although \ numbers and special characters are generally used, frequently used \ combinations may be stored as dialcodes and subsequently referenced by \ much shorter abbreviations. For more detail see the Help section on \ Phone Numbers and Dialcodes. It may not be appropriate to attempt an Electronic Mail transfer immediately after a message has been created. This could be due to \ the receiving system not being available or possibly capitalizing \ on lower phone rates on weekends and during evening hours. Several \ choices are available for transmit day selection and transmit hour \ selection. For more information see the appropriate Help sections \ on Transmit Days and Transmit Hours. \EOT\ Name = Mail Logins Llabel = " MAIL LOGIN" Slabel = "LOGIN" Branch = General, Connections, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Logins" Text = Electronic Mail uses a specific login into another system just as a \ user logs into a system. The standard logins used by most systems for \ Electronic Mail are 'uucp' and 'nuucp'. On specialty communications links such as central Electronic Mail systems \ in universities and major corporations, an added security measure is to \ assign a different mail login to groups of systems. Expert users may \ use a non-standard mail login by highlighting the Mail Login field and \ pressing either REPLACE or CREATE. The form provided will allow entry \ of a new login consisting of one to eight alphanumeric (plus underscore) \ characters. \EOT\ Name = Connections Llabel = "CONNECTIONS" Slabel = " CONN " Branch = General, Mail Logins, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Connections" Text = Communication can be established through telephone lines, RS232 lines, \ and special local area networks such as Starlan and Ethernet. The \ options listed in the 'Connections' menu reflect the devices set up \ through Administration/Hardware Setup. The ports available on the standard system are the internal phone \ (ph0 - single line systems or ph1 - dual line systems) \ and the RS232 port (tty000) if it is not configured for another task \ such as a printer. Other configurations possible with add-on \ hardware and software include Combo ports (tty001 - tty006), Starlan, \ and Ethernet. The ports become available for use in Mail Setup once \ they have been properly configured in Administration/Hardware Setup. There may be occasions where a device type is not recognized by the \ Mail Setup software in which case a non-standard connection may be \ specified. Selecting such a device is done by highlighting the \ 'Connection' field of the Mail Setup form and pressing either REPLACE \ or CREATE. A new device consisting of any character combination except \ a space may be entered for use by Electronic Mail. \EOT\ Name = Speeds Llabel = "SPEEDS" Slabel = "SPEEDS" Branch = General, Mail Logins, Connections, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Connections" Text = Mail Connections may run at several speeds depending on the type of \ device. The internal telephone port supports 300 baud and 1200 baud \ with the default being 1200 baud if any other speed is selected for \ this device. RS232 ports will support speeds from 150 baud to 9600 \ baud with 9600 baud being the default. Networks such as Starlan and \ Ethernet support their own internal speeds and should have 'Network' \ selected for the speed. There may be situations where special devices such as local area networks \ require a speed selection not listed. To select a speed not listed, \ highlight the 'Speed' field of the Mail Setup form and press either \ REPLACE or CREATE. Any combination of characters, except space, may \ then be used to describe the speed required. \EOT\ Name = Phone Numbers Llabel = " PHONE NUMBERS" Slabel = "NUMBERS" Branch = General, Mail Logins, Connections, Speeds, Transmit Days, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Connection Speeds" Text = The 'Telephone number' field is used whenever the connection device \ must use a dialing system. The internal modem and external modems \ attached to the RS232 ports are devices which must have a telephone \ number specified. Telephone numbers consist of numbers and special characters. The special \ characters are used to access telephone switches often found in the \ business environment. Listed below are the characters supported by \ Electronic Mail: \IND\Pauses for dialtone\IND\~ = + \IND\Pause 2 seconds\IND\\IND\, \IND\Pause 10 seconds\IND\: \IND\Switch flash\IND\\IND\& ! \IND\Terminate dialing\IND\$ @ \IND\No action\IND\\IND\- Often a single combination of dialing characters is used for several \ Electronic Mail connections such as an area code and three digit prefix \ common to a single locality. In such cases a dialcode may be established \ consisting a name and a set of dialing characters. This name may then be \ substituted anywhere the dialing sequence would be used. Electronic \ Mail will translate these characters whenever mail is sent. For \ additional information, see the Help section on dialcodes. \EOT\ Name = Transmit Days Llabel = "TRANSMIT DAYS" Slabel = "DAYS " Branch = General, Mail Logins, Connections, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Times, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Transmit Days" Text = Electronic Mail is generally transmitted to its destination all days \ of the week. In special cases it may not be appropriate to attempt \ an Electronic Mail transfer immediately after a message has been \ created. This could be due to the receiving system not being \ available on certain days of the week. The user may possibly want to \ capitalize on lower phone rates on weekends. Several \ choices are available for transmit day selection including week days \ (Monday thru Friday), weekends (Saturday and Sunday), or specific days. \ It is also possible that the user wishes never to attempt a transmit but \ rather to wait for the destination system to call him/her in which case \ the option 'Never' is provided. Experts wishing to use special combinations of days may do so by \ highlighting the 'Transmit days' field of the Mail Setup form \ and pressing either REPLACE or CREATE. Two and three letter combinations \ are used as abbreviations for single days and multi-day combinations. These are: \IND\Any\IND\All days of the week \IND\Nvr\IND\Never \IND\Wk\IND\Monday through Friday \IND\Sa\IND\Saturday \IND\Su\IND\Sunday \IND\Mo\IND\Monday \IND\Tu\IND\Tuesday \IND\We\IND\Wednesday \IND\Th\IND\Thursday \IND\Fr\IND\Friday If conflicting or multiple references to the same day(s) are used, Mail \ Setup will use the options in the order they appear in the list above. \EOT\ Name = Transmit Times Llabel = "TRANSMIT TIMES" Slabel = "TIMES" Branch = General, Mail Logins, Connections, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Dialcodes Title = "Mail Transmit Times" Text = Electronic Mail is generally selected to transmit at any time of the \ day or night but in special cases it may be necessary to limit the \ transmission to specified ranges. Standard options available are: \IND\Working hours (9 AM thru 5 PM) \IND\Evenings (5 PM thru 9 AM) \IND\Late evenings (11 PM thru 5 AM). There may be circumstances where different restrictions are required. \ To use an alternate range highlight the 'Transmit Hours' field of the \ Mail Setup form and press either REPLACE or CREATE. Transmit \ times must be specified in 24 hour format with the start time specified \ followed by a '-' and then the stop time (i.e., 0800-1000 for 8 AM to \ 10 AM). The start time may be in the evening and the stop time in the \ morning such as 10:30 PM to 4:30 AM in which case the format would \ be 2230 - 0430. \EOT\ Name = Dialcodes Llabel = " DIAL CODES" Slabel = "DIALCODE" Branch = General, Mail Logins, Connections, Speeds, Phone Numbers, Transmit Days, Transmit Times Title = "Dialcodes" Text = Dialcodes consist of a name containing one to several letters and a \ number containing a sequence. Telephone numbers may consist of numbers to \ be dialed, special characters for pausing and mode switching, or \ additional dialcodes. \EOT\