Wlabel = "Programmer's Calculator Help" Contents = Overview, Operator Types, Options, Number Bases, Word Length, Signed Numbers, Errors Name = Overview Llabel = " USE OF CALCULTR" Slabel = " USE " Branch = Operator Types, Options, Number Bases, Word Length, Signed Numbers, Errors Title = "How to use the Calculator" Text = The Programmer's Calculator is used like an ordinary calculator. \ A number may be entered into the calculator by pointing to the \ number keys of the calculator with the mouse and pressing the left-hand \ button on the mouse or by pressing the appropriate number key on the \ keyboard. To complete the entry of a number, point to an operator key \ or the "=" key and press the mouse button or press the corresponding \ key on the keyboard. \EOT\ Name = Operator Types Llabel = "OPERATOR TYPES" Slabel = "OPERATRS" Branch = Overview, Options, Number Bases, Word Length, Signed Numbers, Errors Title = "Operator Types" Text = The arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/,MOD) perform normal arithmetic \ operations in the selected base between the result of the last \ operation and the next number entered. If the result of the operation \ is too large for the word size selected, an overflow indicator will \ be displayed and the high-order bytes of the result will be truncated. \ The "%" key or the "Modulo" function key may be used for the "MOD" operator. Logical (And, Or, Nor) operators are bitwise operators that mask \ the result of the previous operation with the next number entered. \ The operations may be selected by pointing to the appropriate calculator \ key with the mouse, using the labeled function key or by entering one of \ the following keys from the keyboard: And : use the & key Or : use the | key Xor : use the ^ key The shift operators will shift the result of the previous operation \ left or right the number of bits specified by the next number entered. \ If the calculator is set to use signed numbers and the operation is a \ right shift, the sign bit will be extended. The shift operations may \ also be done using the ">" and "<" keys. The negate operator does a bitwise negation of the number displayed. \ It is a unary operation and does not require a second number to be \ entered. The "~" key on the keyboard or the "Negate" function key \ may also be used to perform the negate operation. \EOT\ Name = Options Llabel = " OPTIONS" Slabel = " OPTIONS" Branch = Overview, Operator Types, Number Bases, Word Length, Signed Numbers, Errors Title = "Options" Text = One of three different number bases may be used in the calculations, \ one of three different word sizes may be used and the numbers may be \ signed or unsigned. These options may be selected by pointing to the \ appropriate option indicator on the calculator with the mouse and \ pressing the left-hand button. Or they may be selected by pressing the \ middle button on the mouse and selecting the desired options from the Option \ window. \EOT\ Name = Number Bases Llabel = " NUMBER BASES" Slabel = " BASES " Branch = Overview, Operator Types, Options, Word Length, Signed Numbers, Errors Title = "Number Bases" Text = The calculator will work in base 8 (Octal), 10 (Decimal) or 16 \ (Hexidecimal). To choose a base, point to the number base indicator \ next to the result register (Oct, Dec or Hex) and press the left-hand \ button. Each time the mouse button is pressed, the base will change \ and the result will be redisplayed in the new base. The base may also be selected to pressing the "Input Mode" key on the \ keyboard. Each time the key is pressed, the base will change. The base may also be selected by a third method: Press the middle button \ on the mouse or press the "Cmd" key on the keyboard. The calculator \ options window will be displayed. Select the "Number Base" option and \ then select the desired base. The keys that are valid for the entry of numbers will change depending \ upon the selected base. For example, the alphabetic keys (A-F) cannot \ be used when the base selected is Octal or Decimal. \EOT\ Name = Word Length Llabel = " WORD LENGTH" Slabel = "WORD LEN" Branch = Overview, Operator Types, Options, Number Bases, Signed Numbers, Errors Title = "Word Length" Text = The calculator will work with 1, 2 or 4-byte numbers. To choose a word \ size, point to the word length indicator (Char, Shrt or Long) and press \ the left-hand mouse button. Each time the button is pressed, the word \ length will change. The number displayed in the register will not be \ affected by changing the word length until the next operation is performed. \ The range of numbers that may be entered is determined by the word \ length. \EOT\ Name = Signed Numbers Llabel = " SIGNED NUMBERS" Slabel = "NO. SIGN" Branch = Overview, Operator Types, Options, Number Bases, Word Length, Errors Title = "Signed Numbers" Text = The calculator will work with signed and unsigned numbers when the number \ base is Decimal. Signed numbers are not valid in the other bases and \ the signed option is ignored. To toggle between signed and unsigned \ numbers, point to the sign indicator (Signed or Unsgnd) and press the \ left-hand mouse button. Each time the button is pressed, the sign will \ toggle. The number displayed in the register will not be affected by \ toggling the sign mode until the next operation is performed. \EOT\ Name = Errors Llabel = "CLEARING ERRORS" Slabel = " ERRORS " Branch = Overview, Operator Types, Options, Number Bases, Word Length, Signed Numbers Title = "Clearing Errors" Text = If a number is entered incorrectly, clear the last digit entered by \ pressing the "Dlete Char" key or clear the entire number by pressing \ the "Clear Line" key. To clear the calculator to start a new calculation, \ press the "Clear All" function key. \EOT\