Wlabel = "Terminal Emulator Help" Contents = Using help, Local Commands, Terminal Setup, Auto Login Name = Using help Llabel = " USING HELP" Slabel = " HELP" Branch = Local Commands Title = "Using Help" Text = Help displays consist of a description displayed in a window. \ If the description doesn't fit in the window, use the up arrow and \ down arrow keys to view a few more lines of the display. Use the \ Page key to view the next full page of the description, and the \ Shift-Page key to view the previous full page of the description. Screen keys at the bottom of the display contain the names of \ other Help displays. Press one of the keys to view a different display. Press the screen key labeled TABLE OF CONTENTS to see a listing of all \ available Help displays, then select the display you want to see \ and press the Enter key. Press the Exit key to leave Help entirely and return to the display \ you were looking at when you asked for help.\EOT\ Name = Local Commands Llabel = " LOCAL COMMANDS" Slabel = "LOC CMDS" Branch = Using help, Terminal Setup, Auto Login Title = "Terminal Emulator Commands" Text = When you press the Shift-Cmd key combination, you see a \ menu of Terminal Emulator commands. \ Select the command you \ want to use and press the Enter key or the left mouse button. Press the Shift-Exit key combination to stop the Terminal Emulator \ program and return \ to the Office. Always log out from the host computer before \ pressing the Shift-Exit key combination. The Terminal Emulator Local Commands are briefly described below: \UL\Record Screen to File\US\ Use this command to copy to a file all data \ you type and all information displayed on your screen. This command \ requests you to give a name for the file, which is then created \ in your Filecabinet. All subsequent data is copied to that file. \ If you give a file a name that already exists, \ the new information is added to the end of that file. To store the \ file somewhere other \ than the Filecabinet, give the full pathname for the file. \UL\Stop Recording to File\US\ Use this command to end the recording \ of data to a file. \ When you use this command, copying of data to the file stops. \UL\Transmit File - ASCII\US\ Use this command to send an ASCII file \ to the host computer. Before you send the ASCII \ file, make sure the \ host computer is ready to receive the file. The command asks for the name of the file you want to send. If you want \ to send a file that already exists in your Filecabinet, press the Enter \ key to display and select from a list of files in your Filecabinet. \ If the file you want to send does not exist in your Filecabinet, \ type the filename or the full pathname. Press the Enter key to send \ the file. \UL\Receive File - UMODEM\US\ Use this command to receive a file \ from a host computer using the UMODEM protocol. Before you use this \ command to receive the file, set up the \ host computer to send the file using UMODEM. This command asks for the name, type, and description of the file being \ sent by the host computer. Fill in the information, and then press \ the Enter key to begin receiving the file. \ See the \UL\AT&T UNIX PC Terminal Emulator \ User's Guide\US\ for details of \ UMODEM protocol. \UL\Transmit File - UMODEM\US\ Use this command to send a file to \ a host computer using the UMODEM protocol. Before you use this command \ to send the file, set up the host \ computer to receive the file using UMODEM. This command asks for the type of transfer, and the name of the file you \ want to send. Fill in the information, and then press \ the Enter key to send the file. See the \UL\AT&T UNIX PC \ Terminal Emulator User's Guide\US\ for \ details of UMODEM protocol. \UL\Terminate File Transfer\US\ Use this command to stop any kind of \ file transfer to or from a host computer. If you are using UMODEM \ protocol, it may take up to 30 seconds before you see a response. \UL\Start Printer\US\ Use this command to print information you type and \ information displayed on the screen. When you give this \ command, the data is collected for printing. When you give the Stop \ Printer command to stop printing, the data is queued for printing. \ If you have a dot matrix printer, you can also print a \ copy of the screen display by pressing the Shift-Print key combination. \UL\Stop Printer\US\ Use this command to stop printing data. When \ you give this command, the data that has been collected for printing \ is sent to the printer queue. \UL\Emulator Reset\US\ Use this command to reset the Terminal \ Emulator program \ to its initial state. This command peforms the same function as \ the Reset key on a terminal. \UL\Set Tabs\US\ This command allows you to customize the tab settings. \ If using a UNIX system, for the tab stops to be changed or totally \ cleared and then set, type "stty tabs" once you have accessed the \ host system. When you select Set Tabs, a ruler containing \ the current tab settings will appear on the bottom of the screen. \ Each tab stop is indicated by a "T" placed above the ruler. You \ may move the cursor with the left and right arrow keys. To set \ a tab, position the cursor on a blank column and press Enter. \ To remove a tab, posiiton the cursor on a column marked with a "T" \ and press Enter. To save the desired tab stops press the Exit key. \EOT\ Name = Terminal Setup Llabel = "TERMINAL SETUP" Slabel = "TERM SET" Branch = Local Commands, Auto Login Title = "Setting Up for Terminal Emulation" Text = The Terminal Setup form contains options for setting up your computer \ for terminal emulation. The information in this form depends on \ the requirements of the computer or network with which you want to \ communicate. You'll need to get this information about the other \ computer or network before you can set up your computer. For each field, press the Cmd key to show the options, or press the Mark \ key until you see the option you want to use. Press the Enter \ key when you complete the form. Each field is briefly described below: \UL\Baud Rate\US\ This field specifies the speed (in bits per second) at which \ data is transmitted between computers. For data calls using a Modem \ profile, use the 300 or 1200 baud rate, depending on the speed set at \ the other computer or network. For data calls using a Serial profile, \ you can use any baud rate, as long as it matches the speed set at the \ other computer or network. \UL\Send Parity\US\ This field uses the host computer's or network's parity \ checking to make sure data is not garbled during transmission. Use \ the No Parity option to send data without parity when the other computer \ does not check parity. Use the Even Parity option \ to send data with even parity. \ Use the Odd Parity option to send data with odd parity. \UL\Check Parity\US\ This field specifies whether you want to check the quality \ of data you receive from the other computer. Use the No option \ to display \ data as you receive it, without checking. Use the Yes option \ to perform a parity \ check and discard any garbled characters you receive. \UL\Terminal Type\US\ This field specifies the type of terminal you want \ to emulate. Use VT100 when you communicate with another computer set up \ to support DEC VT-100 series terminals. \ Use VT100-132 to use a 132-character font for VT100 emulation. \ Use 513BCT when you communicate \ with another computer that supports the 513BCT terminal. \ Use 513BCT-132 to use a 132-character font for 513 emulation. \ These setups will display 132 characters per line. \ Use UNIXPC when \ you communicate with another UNIX PC. Use REMOTE when you want to \ place a data call from a remote terminal. \UL\RS232 Modem Control\US\ This field determines whether special handling is \ needed for an external modem connected to the RS-232 port. Use the On \ option if you are using an external modem. Use the Off option when you \ are using an RS-232 cable connected directly from \ your UNIX PC to the other computer. \UL\Character Size\US\ This field determines the number of data bits per \ character for the transmission and receipt of data. Typically, a \ character is transmitted in strings of 7 data bits and 1 parity bit, or \ 8 data bits and no parity bit. Set the character size to \ match the requirements \ of the other computer. For accessing other UNIX PCs, set the \ character size to 8 bits. \UL\Stop Bits\US\ This field determines how many stop bits are sent for each \ character. The 2 stop bits option is frequently used with slower \ baud rates (110 to 300 bps). For accessing other UNIX PCs, \ set the Stop Bits to 1. \UL\Character Echo\US\ This field determines how characters are displayed on \ your terminal screen during emulation. Use the No option if the \ other computer or network echoes typed characters to your screen \ (remote echo or full duplex mode). Use the Yes option to display typed \ characters and send them to the other computer or network \ simultaneously (local echo or half duplex mode). For accessing other \ UNIX PCs, set Character Echo to No. \UL\Flow Control to Host\US\ This field specifies whether you need a data traffic manager to prevent \ received data from being lost. \UL\Flow Control from Host\US\ This field specifies whether you need a data traffic manager to prevent \ data sent from your computer from being lost. \UL\Auto Login\US\ This field displays the Auto-Logon Sequences form, which lets \ you set up an automatic login sequence. An automatic login sequence \ sets up a login name, password, account number, and so on, \ so you can automatically login to the other computer's system when you \ place the data call. You can modify an existing automatic login sequence for a call by \ using the Yes option for this field, then modifying the Auto-Logon \ Sequence form that appears. You can delete an existing automatic login \ sequence by using the No option for this field. Press the AUTO LOGIN screen key for more \ information about auto logins.\EOT\ Name = Auto Login Llabel = " AUTO LOGIN" Slabel = "AUTO LOG" Branch = Using help, Local Commands, Terminal Setup Title = "Setting Up an Automatic Login" Text = Use the Auto-Logon Sequences form to set up a sequence that lets you \ automatically login to another computer when you place a data call. You \ can set up a login name, password, account number, and so forth. When you complete the form, press the Enter key. You fill in the form by using the arrow keys to move the cursor to each \ field and then typing your information. Press the Enter key when you \ complete the form. Each field is briefly described below: \UL\Timer\US\ This field lets you specify a time period (in seconds) for your \ UNIX PC to wait for data from the other computer. If no data is \ received in that period, the line is disconnected. \UL\File Name\US\ This field specifies the name of a file that records information \ resulting from any tasks you set up in your login sequence. The file \ you name is stored as a standard file in your Filecabinet. Expert users \ can direct the file to any UNIX directory by entering a full \ UNIX pathname. \UL\RS1 through RS13\US\ These receive string fields let you enter \ prompts or strings of characters \ you receive from the other computer. \ Each field holds up to 29 characters. Some examples of receive strings \ are prompts for login name, password, and terminal type. If the receive \ string is too long to fit in the field, enter the last few characters. \UL\SS1 through SS13\US\ These send string fields let you enter your \ answers to the other computer's prompts and commands. Each field holds \ up to 29 characters. The send string fields (SS1 through SS13) and \ receive string fields (RS1 through RS13) use certain \ special characters, shown below: \IND\\\E, \\e, \\Q, \\q are used \ only by the send string fields. Any of \ these characters ends the session automatically. \IND\\\r is used in both the send string and receive string fields. In \ the send string field, the character acts as a carriage return. In the \ receive string field, the character is used when more than \ one line of data is received. \IND\\\n is used in both the send string and receive string fields. In \ the send string field, the character causes a line feed, placing the \ cursor on the next line at the same position. In the receive string \ field, the character is used when the other computer sends a line feed. \IND\^ is used the same way in both the send string and receive string \ fields. The character is used to send or receive a control character. \ For example, to send a Control-D to the other computer, type ^d in the \ send string field. \IND\\\p is used by the send string fields. This character \ will cause a two second delay in transmitting characters to \ the host. \IND\\\b is used by the send string fields. This character will \ generate a break. \EOT\