#ifndef __STDC__ # include "/usr/include/curses.h" #else /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ #ident "@(#)curses:screen/curses.form" /* * curses.h - this file is automatically made from caps, curses.form and * curses.ed. * Don't make changes directly to curses.h! */ #ifndef _SUBWIN /* The definition for 'reg' is not standard, and is provided for compatibility reasons. User's are discouraged from using this. */ # define reg register # ifndef NONSTANDARD #ifndef stdin # include #endif /* stdin */ /* * This trick is used to distinguish between SYSV and V7 systems. * We assume that L_ctermid is only defined in stdio.h in SYSV * systems, but not in V7 or Berkeley UNIX. */ # ifdef L_ctermid # undef SYSV # define SYSV # endif /* Some V7 systems define L_ctermid - we list those here */ # ifdef sun # undef SYSV # endif # include # ifdef SYSV #ifndef VINTR # include #endif /* VINTR */ typedef struct termio SGTTY; #endif /* SYSV */ # ifndef SYSV #ifndef _SGTTYB_ # include #endif /* _SGTTYB_ */ typedef struct sgttyb SGTTY; /* * Here we attempt to improve portability by providing some #defines * for SYSV functions on non-SYSV systems. */ # define memcpy(dst, src, len) bcopy((src), (dst), (len)) # define strchr index # define strrchr rindex # endif # else /* NONSTANDARD */ /* * NONSTANDARD is intended for a standalone program (no UNIX) * that manages screens. The specific program is Alan Hewett's * ITC, which runs standalone on an 11/23 (at least for now). * It is unclear whether this code needs to be supported anymore. * It hasn't been tested in quite awhile. */ # define NULL 0 # endif /* NONSTANDARD */ typedef char bool; /* * chtype is the type used to store a character together with attributes. * It can be set to "char" to save space, or "long" to get more attributes. */ # ifdef CHTYPE typedef CHTYPE chtype; # else typedef unsigned short chtype; # endif /* CHTYPE */ /* TRUE and FALSE get defined so many times, */ /* let's not get in the way of other definitions. */ #if !defined(TRUE) || ((TRUE) != 1) # define TRUE (1) #endif #if !defined(FALSE) || ((FALSE) != 0) # define FALSE (0) #endif #if !defined(ERR) || ((ERR) != -1) # define ERR (-1) #endif #if !defined(OK) || ((OK) != 0) # define OK (0) #endif /* values for win->_flags */ # define _SUBWIN 01 # define _ENDLINE 02 # define _FULLWIN 04 # define _SCROLLWIN 010 # define _FLUSH 020 # define _ISPAD 040 # define _WINCHANGED 0100 # define _WINMOVED 0200 /* _firstch is initially set to this */ # define _NOCHANGE -1 struct _win_st { short _cury, _curx; short _maxy, _maxx; short _begy, _begx; short _flags; chtype _attrs; bool _clear; bool _leave; bool _scroll; bool _use_idl; /* 0=no, 1=yes, 2=go by need_idl */ bool _use_keypad; /* 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes/timeout */ bool _use_meta; /* T=use the meta key */ bool _nodelay; /* T=don't wait for tty input */ chtype **_y; short *_firstch; short *_lastch; short _tmarg,_bmarg; /* end of Vr2 structure */ bool _need_idl; /* T=have done ins/del line/scroll recently */ bool _notimeout; /* T=do wait for rest of function key */ short _pminrow, _pmincol, _sminrow, _smincol, _smaxrow, _smaxcol; short _yoffset; }; extern int LINES, COLS; typedef struct _win_st WINDOW; extern WINDOW *stdscr, *curscr; extern char *Def_term, ttytype[]; #ifdef lint /* * Various tricks to shut up lint about things that are perfectly fine. */ # ifndef CURSES /* if not internal to curses source */ struct screen { int _nobody_; }; # endif /* CURSES */ #endif /* lint */ typedef struct screen SCREEN; # ifndef NOMACROS # ifndef MINICURSES /* * psuedo functions for standard screen */ # define addch(ch) waddch(stdscr, ch) # define getch() wgetch(stdscr) # define addstr(str) waddstr(stdscr, str) # define getstr(str) wgetstr(stdscr, str) # define move(y, x) wmove(stdscr, y, x) # define clear() wclear(stdscr) # define erase() werase(stdscr) # define clrtobot() wclrtobot(stdscr) # define clrtoeol() wclrtoeol(stdscr) # define insertln() winsertln(stdscr) # define deleteln() wdeleteln(stdscr) # define refresh() wrefresh(stdscr) # define inch() winch(stdscr) # define insch(c) winsch(stdscr,c) # define delch() wdelch(stdscr) # define standout() wstandout(stdscr) # define standend() wstandend(stdscr) # define attron(at) wattron(stdscr,at) # define attroff(at) wattroff(stdscr,at) # define attrset(at) wattrset(stdscr,at) # define echochar(ch) wechochar(stdscr, ch) # define setscrreg(t,b) wsetscrreg(stdscr, t, b) # define wsetscrreg(win,t,b) (win->_tmarg=(t),win->_bmarg=(b)) /* * mv functions */ #define mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddch(win,ch)) #define mvwgetch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetch(win)) #define mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddstr(win,str)) #define mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetstr(win,str)) #define mvwinch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winch(win)) #define mvwdelch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wdelch(win)) #define mvwinsch(win,y,x,c) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsch(win,c)) #define mvaddch(y,x,ch) mvwaddch(stdscr,y,x,ch) #define mvgetch(y,x) mvwgetch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvaddstr(y,x,str) mvwaddstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvgetstr(y,x,str) mvwgetstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvinch(y,x) mvwinch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvdelch(y,x) mvwdelch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvinsch(y,x,c) mvwinsch(stdscr,y,x,c) # else /* MINICURSES */ /* * MINICURSES is not documented or supported anymore. The intent was * to avoid the window handling stuff for a smaller curses. However, * the bulk of the code is below refresh (3/4 or so) so the savings * are insignificant. This version of curses just isn't well suited * to a 16 bit processor, except with a tiny application. */ # define addch(ch) m_addch(ch) # define addstr(str) m_addstr(str) # define move(y, x) m_move(y, x) # define clear() m_clear() # define erase() m_erase() # define refresh() m_refresh() # define standout() wstandout(stdscr) # define standend() wstandend(stdscr) # define attron(at) wattron(stdscr,at) # define attroff(at) wattroff(stdscr,at) # define attrset(at) wattrset(stdscr,at) # define mvaddch(y,x,ch) move(y, x), addch(ch) # define mvaddstr(y,x,str) move(y, x), addstr(str) # define initscr m_initscr # define newterm m_newterm # define echochar(ch) (m_addch(ch) == ERR ? ERR : m_refresh()) /* * These functions don't exist in minicurses, so we define them * to nonexistent functions to help the user catch the error. */ #define getch m_getch #define getstr m_getstr #define clrtobot m_clrtobot #define clrtoeol m_clrtoeol #define insertln m_insertln #define deleteln m_deleteln #define inch m_inch #define insch m_insch #define delch m_delch /* mv functions that aren't valid */ #define mvwaddch m_mvwaddch #define mvwgetch m_mvwgetch #define mvwaddstr m_mvaddstr #define mvwgetstr m_mvwgetstr #define mvwinch m_mvwinch #define mvwdelch m_mvwdelch #define mvwinsch m_mvwinsch #define mvgetch m_mvwgetch #define mvgetstr m_mvwgetstr #define mvinch m_mvwinch #define mvdelch m_mvwdelch #define mvinsch m_mvwinsch /* Real functions that aren't valid */ #define box m_box #define delwin m_delwin #define longname m_longname #define makenew m_makenew #define mvprintw m_mvprintw #define mvscanw m_mvscanw #define mvwin m_mvwin #define mvwprintw m_mvwprintw #define mvwscanw m_mvwscanw #define newwin m_newwin #define _outchar m_outchar #define overlay m_overlay #define overwrite m_overwrite #define printw m_printw #define putp m_putp #define scanw m_scanw #define scroll m_scroll #define subwin m_subwin #define touchwin m_touchwin #define _tscroll m_tscroll #define _tstp m_tstp #define vidattr m_vidattr #define waddch m_waddch #define waddstr m_waddstr #define wclear m_wclear #define wclrtobot m_wclrtobot #define wclrtoeol m_wclrtoeol #define wdelch m_wdelch #define wdeleteln m_wdeleteln #define werase m_werase #define wgetch m_wgetch #define wgetstr m_wgetstr #define winsch m_winsch #define winsertln m_winsertln #define wmove m_wmove #define wprintw m_wprintw #define wrefresh m_wrefresh #define wscanw m_wscanw #define setscrreg m_setscrreg #define wsetscrreg m_wsetscrreg # endif /* MINICURSES */ /* * psuedo functions */ #define getyx(win,y,x) y = win->_cury, x = win->_curx #define getbegyx(win,y,x) y = win->_begy, x = win->_begx #define getmaxyx(win,y,x) y = win->_maxy, x = win->_maxx #define getsyx(y,x) _getsyx(&y,&x) #define winch(win) (win->_y[win->_cury][win->_curx]) /* Various video attributes */ #define A_STANDOUT 0000200 #define _STANDOUT A_STANDOUT /* for compatability with old curses */ #define A_UNDERLINE 0000400 #define A_REVERSE 0001000 #define A_BLINK 0002000 #define A_DIM 0004000 #define A_BOLD 0010000 #define A_ALTCHARSET 0100000 /* The next two are subject to change so don't depend on them */ #define A_INVIS 0020000 #define A_PROTECT 0040000 #define A_NORMAL 0000000 #define A_ATTRIBUTES 0177600 #define A_CHARTEXT 0000177 /* * Standard alternate character set. The current ACS world is evolving, * so we support only a widely available subset: the line drawing characters * from the VT100, plus a few from the Teletype 5410. Eventually there * may be support of more sophisticated ACS line drawing, such as that * in the Teletype 5410, the HP line drawing set, and the like. There may * be support for some non line oriented characters as well. * * Line drawing ACS names are of the form ACS_trbl, where t is the top, r * is the right, b is the bottom, and l is the left. t, r, b, and l might * be B (blank), S (single), D (double), or T (thick). The subset defined * here only uses B and S. */ #define ACS_BSSB (acs_map['l']) #define ACS_SSBB (acs_map['m']) #define ACS_BBSS (acs_map['k']) #define ACS_SBBS (acs_map['j']) #define ACS_SBSS (acs_map['u']) #define ACS_SSSB (acs_map['t']) #define ACS_SSBS (acs_map['v']) #define ACS_BSSS (acs_map['w']) #define ACS_BSBS (acs_map['q']) #define ACS_SBSB (acs_map['x']) #define ACS_SSSS (acs_map['n']) /* * Human readable names for the most commonly used characters. * "Upper", "right", etc. are chosen to be consistent with the vt100 manual. */ #define ACS_ULCORNER ACS_BSSB #define ACS_LLCORNER ACS_SSBB #define ACS_URCORNER ACS_BBSS #define ACS_LRCORNER ACS_SBBS #define ACS_RTEE ACS_SBSS #define ACS_LTEE ACS_SSSB #define ACS_BTEE ACS_SSBS #define ACS_TTEE ACS_BSSS #define ACS_HLINE ACS_BSBS #define ACS_VLINE ACS_SBSB #define ACS_PLUS ACS_SSSS #define ACS_S1 (acs_map['o']) /* scan line 1 */ #define ACS_S9 (acs_map['s']) /* scan line 9 */ #define ACS_DIAMOND (acs_map['`']) /* diamond */ #define ACS_CKBOARD (acs_map['a']) /* checker board (stipple) */ #define ACS_DEGREE (acs_map['f']) /* degree symbol */ #define ACS_PLMINUS (acs_map['g']) /* plus/minus */ #define ACS_BULLET (acs_map['~']) /* bullet */ /* Teletype 5410/5420 symbols */ #define ACS_LARROW (acs_map[',']) /* arrow pointing left */ #define ACS_RARROW (acs_map['+']) /* arrow pointing right */ #define ACS_DARROW (acs_map['.']) /* arrow pointing down */ #define ACS_UARROW (acs_map['-']) /* arrow pointing up */ #define ACS_BOARD (acs_map['h']) /* board of squares */ #define ACS_LANTERN (acs_map['i']) /* lantern symbol */ #define ACS_BLOCK (acs_map['0']) /* solid square block */ extern chtype *acs_map; /* Funny "characters" enabled for various special function keys for input */ /* This list is created from caps and curses.ed. Do not edit it! */ #define KEY_BREAK 0401 /* break key (unreliable) */ #define KEY_DOWN 0402 /* Sent by terminal down arrow key */ #define KEY_UP 0403 /* Sent by terminal up arrow key */ #define KEY_LEFT 0404 /* Sent by terminal left arrow key */ #define KEY_RIGHT 0405 /* Sent by terminal right arrow key */ #define KEY_HOME 0406 /* Sent by home key. */ #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /* Sent by backspace key */ #define KEY_F0 0410 /* function key f0. */ #define KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n)) /* Space for 64 function keys is reserved. */ #define KEY_DL 0510 /* Sent by delete line key. */ #define KEY_IL 0511 /* Sent by insert line. */ #define KEY_DC 0512 /* Sent by delete character key. */ #define KEY_IC 0513 /* Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key. */ #define KEY_EIC 0514 /* Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode. */ #define KEY_CLEAR 0515 /* Sent by clear screen or erase key. */ #define KEY_EOS 0516 /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key. */ #define KEY_EOL 0517 /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key. */ #define KEY_SF 0520 /* Sent by scroll-forward/down key */ #define KEY_SR 0521 /* Sent by scroll-backward/up key */ #define KEY_NPAGE 0522 /* Sent by next-page key */ #define KEY_PPAGE 0523 /* Sent by previous-page key */ #define KEY_STAB 0524 /* Sent by set-tab key */ #define KEY_CTAB 0525 /* Sent by clear-tab key */ #define KEY_CATAB 0526 /* Sent by clear-all-tabs key. */ #define KEY_ENTER 0527 /* Enter/send (unreliable) */ #define KEY_SRESET 0530 /* soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */ #define KEY_RESET 0531 /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */ #define KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */ #define KEY_LL 0533 /* Sent by home-down key */ /* The keypad is arranged like this: */ /* a1 up a3 */ /* left b2 right */ /* c1 down c3 */ #define KEY_A1 0534 /* Upper left of keypad */ #define KEY_A3 0535 /* Upper right of keypad */ #define KEY_B2 0536 /* Center of keypad */ #define KEY_C1 0537 /* Lower left of keypad */ #define KEY_C3 0540 /* Lower right of keypad */ #define KEY_BTAB 0541 /* Back tab key */ #define KEY_BEG 0542 /* beg(inning) key */ #define KEY_CANCEL 0543 /* cancel key */ #define KEY_CLOSE 0544 /* close key */ #define KEY_COMMAND 0545 /* cmd (command) key */ #define KEY_COPY 0546 /* copy key */ #define KEY_CREATE 0547 /* create key */ #define KEY_END 0550 /* end key */ #define KEY_EXIT 0551 /* exit key */ #define KEY_FIND 0552 /* find key */ #define KEY_HELP 0553 /* help key */ #define KEY_MARK 0554 /* mark key */ #define KEY_MESSAGE 0555 /* message key */ #define KEY_MOVE 0556 /* move key */ #define KEY_NEXT 0557 /* next object key */ #define KEY_OPEN 0560 /* open key */ #define KEY_OPTIONS 0561 /* options key */ #define KEY_PREVIOUS 0562 /* previous object key */ #define KEY_REDO 0563 /* redo key */ #define KEY_REFERENCE 0564 /* ref(erence) key */ #define KEY_REFRESH 0565 /* refresh key */ #define KEY_REPLACE 0566 /* replace key */ #define KEY_RESTART 0567 /* restart key */ #define KEY_RESUME 0570 /* resume key */ #define KEY_SAVE 0571 /* save key */ #define KEY_SBEG 0572 /* shifted beginning key */ #define KEY_SCANCEL 0573 /* shifted cancel key */ #define KEY_SCOMMAND 0574 /* shifted command key */ #define KEY_SCOPY 0575 /* shifted copy key */ #define KEY_SCREATE 0576 /* shifted create key */ #define KEY_SDC 0577 /* shifted delete char key */ #define KEY_SDL 0600 /* shifted delete line key */ #define KEY_SELECT 0601 /* select key */ #define KEY_SEND 0602 /* shifted end key */ #define KEY_SEOL 0603 /* shifted clear line key */ #define KEY_SEXIT 0604 /* shifted exit key */ #define KEY_SFIND 0605 /* shifted find key */ #define KEY_SHELP 0606 /* shifted help key */ #define KEY_SHOME 0607 /* shifted home key */ #define KEY_SIC 0610 /* shifted input key */ #define KEY_SLEFT 0611 /* shifted left arrow key */ #define KEY_SMESSAGE 0612 /* shifted message key */ #define KEY_SMOVE 0613 /* shifted move key */ #define KEY_SNEXT 0614 /* shifted next key */ #define KEY_SOPTIONS 0615 /* shifted options key */ #define KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616 /* shifted prev key */ #define KEY_SPRINT 0617 /* shifted print key */ #define KEY_SREDO 0620 /* shifted redo key */ #define KEY_SREPLACE 0621 /* shifted replace key */ #define KEY_SRIGHT 0622 /* shifted right arrow */ #define KEY_SRSUME 0623 /* shifted resume key */ #define KEY_SSAVE 0624 /* shifted save key */ #define KEY_SSUSPEND 0625 /* shifted suspend key */ #define KEY_SUNDO 0626 /* shifted undo key */ #define KEY_SUSPEND 0627 /* suspend key */ #define KEY_UNDO 0630 /* undo key */ # endif /* NOMACROS */ #endif /* _SUBWIN */ /* ansi prototype definitions */ int baudrate(void); void beep(void); void box(WINDOW *win, chtype vert, chtype hor); void cbreak(void); void clearok(WINDOW *win, int bf); int copywin(WINDOW *Srcwin, WINDOW *Dstwin, int minRowSrc, int minColSrc, int minRowDst, int minColDst, int maxRowDst, int maxColDst, int overlay); void crmode(void); int curs_set(int vis); void def_prog_mode(void); int delay_output(int ms); void delwin(WINDOW *win); int doupdate(void); int draino(int ms); void echo(void); void endwin(void); char erasechar(void); void filter(void); void fixterm(void); void flash(void); void flushinp(void); void garbagedlines(WINDOW *win, int beg, int num); void _getsyx(int *y, int *x); void gettmode(void); void halfdelay(int tenths); int has_ic(void); int has_il(void); void idlok(WINDOW *win, int bf); WINDOW *initscr(void); void intrflush(WINDOW *win, int bf); char *keyname(int key); void keypad(WINDOW *win, int bf); char killchar(void); void leaveok(WINDOW *win, int bf); char *longname(void); int m_addch(chtype c); int m_addstr(char *str); void m_clear(void); void m_erase(void); WINDOW *m_initscr(void); void m_move(int row, int col); SCREEN *m_newterm(char *type, FILE *ofd, FILE *ifd); int m_refresh(void); void m_tstp(void); int meta(WINDOW *win, int bf); void mvcur(int ly, int lx, int y, int x); int mvprintw(int y, int x, char *fmt, ...); int mvscanw(int y, int x, char *fmt, ...); int mvwin(WINDOW *win, int by, int bx); int mvwprintw(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *fmt, ...); int mvwscanw(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *fmt, ...); int napms(int ms); WINDOW *newpad(int nlines, int ncols); SCREEN *newterm(char *type, FILE *ofd, FILE *ifd); WINDOW *newwin(int num_lines, int num_cols, int begy, int begx); void nl(void); void nocbreak(void); void nocrmode(void); void nodelay(WINDOW *win, int bf); void noecho(void); void nonl(void); void noraw(void); int overlay(WINDOW *Src, WINDOW *Dst); int overwrite(WINDOW *Src, WINDOW *Dst); int pechochar(WINDOW *pad, chtype ch); int pnoutrefresh(WINDOW *pad, int pminrow, int pmincol, int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol); int prefresh(WINDOW *pad, int pminrow, int pmincol, int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol); void putp(char *str); int printw(char *fmt, ...); void raw(void); void reset_prog_mode(void); void reset_shell_mode(void); void resetterm(void); void resetty(void); void restartterm(char *term, int file, int *err); void ripoffline(int line, int (*init )()); void saveterm(void); void savetty(void); int scanw(char *fmt, ...); int scr_dump(char *file); int scr_init(char *file); int scr_restore(char *file); int scroll(WINDOW *win); int scrollok(WINDOW *win, int bf); SCREEN *set_term(SCREEN *new); void setsyx(int y, int x); int setterm(char *type); int setupterm(char *term, int file, int *err); void slk_clear(void); void slk_init(int fmt); char *slk_label(int num); void slk_noutrefresh(void); int slk_refresh(void); void slk_restore(void); int slk_set(int num, char *lab, int fmt); void slk_touch(void); WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx); WINDOW *subpad(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx); int tgetent(char *bp, char *name); int tgetflag(char *id); int tgetnum(char *id); char *tgetstr(char *id, char **area); char *tgoto(char *cap, int col, int row); int tigetflag(char *id); int tigetnum(char *id); char *tigetstr(char *id); void touchwin(WINDOW *win); void touchline(WINDOW *win, int fline, int num); char *tparm(char *instring, int parms); void tputs(char *cp, int affcnt, int (*outc )()); void traceoff(void); void traceon(void); void _tstp(void); int typeahead(int fd); void ungetch(int key); void vidattr(int newmode); void vidputs(int nmode, int (*outc )()); int vwscanw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt, ...); int vwprintw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt, ...); int waddch(WINDOW *win, chtype c); int waddstr(WINDOW *win, char *str); int wattroff(WINDOW *win, int attrs); int wattron(WINDOW *win, int attrs); int wattrset(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs); int wclear(WINDOW *win); int wclrtobot(WINDOW *win); int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *win); int wdelch(WINDOW *win); void wdeleteln(WINDOW *win); int wechochar(WINDOW *win, chtype ch); void werase(WINDOW *win); int wgetch(WINDOW *win); int wgetstr(WINDOW *win, char *str); int winsch(WINDOW *win, chtype c); int winsertln(WINDOW *win); int wmove(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); int wnoutrefresh(WINDOW *win); int wprintw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt, ...); int wrefresh(WINDOW *win); int wscanw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt, ...); int wstandend(WINDOW *win); int wstandout(WINDOW *win); #endif /*__STDC__*/