/**********************************************************\ * Bugs : a bit-mapped arcade game for the AT&T UNIX PC. * * * * Release 2 Jan. 31, 1990 * * * * By : Hans Jespersen * * * \**********************************************************/ 'Bugs' is a Space Invaders type game. I tried to preserve as many of the elements of the original game as possible. Any differences will be immediately obvious. This is the second release of 'bugs'. All changes are documented in the file NOTES. The controls for the game are as follows : Keyboard Mouse 'a' - shoot - Middle Button 'j' - move left - Left Button 'k' - stop moving - (release) 'l' - move right - Right Button 'b' - toggle beeping 's' - blow away shelters 'q' - quit Anyone wishing to change these controls should look at bugs.h Make sure you at least define SCORE_FILE (for highscores ) in bugs.h. Many other game aspects are modifiable by changing constants that are defined in bugs.h. I am quite satisfied with the pace of the game, but if you wish to speed things up (at the expense of smoothness in most cases) try bumping up the increament constants BUGINC, BASEINC, SHOTINC, etc. (these represent the number of pixels to move each iteration). At each successive level you will notice that the bugs start at a lower position. There are 6 levels. The 7th level starts back where the first level did, however the number of shots increases making play harder still. The same happens again after the 12th level. In all there are 18 levels. My hat's off to anyone who makes it through all 18 (I haven't). After the 18th play continues forever at the highest difficulty. I may add some new features in the future some of which are listed in the file "NOTES". If you have any additional ideas please let me know. I can be reached at the email address below, which is forwarded to Waterloo when I am at school, which thank god is not very much longer!! Enjoy. -hans -- Hans Jespersen hjespers\@attcan.UUCP (uunet!attcan!hjespers)