The patches to Fmtr achieve the following: (1) The few mm macros that switch to nofill mode are now recognized. I am not an mm user, but from the manual this should work. (2) For both mm and me display macros, Fmtr will now look to see if the display is in filled mode, as with: .(l F (me) and .DS F (mm) (3) All material between preprocessor statements (e. g. between .TS and .TE) is in nofill mode, as is all material within displays that are nofill. Requests that return to fill mode are ignored if they occur within a display or preprocessor material. (4) A -b flag has been added to begin each sentence on a new line, as recommended by some books. I feel that this defeats the whole idea of having neatly formatted text to edit, but then editing is a very personal matter. As noted at the end of the manual page, the emphasis has been on making sure that text should not be accidentally filled. When in doubt, Fmtr leaves the text as it found it. The real formatter will make the correct decisions at formatting time. Remember also that Fmtr is not a roff emulator. It knows nothing about environments, or indeed about the inner workings of the macros that it recognizes. If you have large amounts of unfilled text in sophisticated macros of your own, carefully examine the output of Fmtr before discarding the original.