The shell archive contains the files needed to make fmtr, a formatter for {n,t,dit}roff input files. Four of the source files: fmtr.h fmtr.c command.c lowtext.c contain the program proper. In addition it uses three functions that I have put in my library: getopt() a public domain version of the System V utility apparently due to Henry Spencer taht I have modified minimally efopen() a modified version of K & P's function fgetsmod() a modified version of fgets() that truncates lines longer than the array they are being read into. Manual pages for fmtr and for the three functions named above are included. The Makefile does not have any provision for adding these functions to any library. I have added them to /lib/libc.a, you may want to put them elsewhere. I have also not put in any provision for installing the manual pages associated with them. Comments, bug reports etc to: Mohamed el Lozy mohamed@hscfvax.uucp Health Sciences Computing Facility ...!harvard!hscfvax!mohamed Harvard School of Public Health 665 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115