The following are things that have been added to 'rocks' : 1) add top-10 high score list. 2) add mouse controls 3) add shared libraries and strip binary. 4) allow player to play again after first game. 5) add hyperspace 6) make rocks split from centre point (not upper-left corner) 7) make "score = 0" print correctly. 8) clean up rocks.h so people can understand what to modify. 9) add "make install" 10) add command line argument for start level (1-9) The following are things still to add : 1) improve graphics 2) have game continue from were it left off when you die. 3) add killer UFOs. 4) add pause key. 5) increase number of ship positions (angles) to more than 8. 6) allow for mouse to control rotation as in arcade version (ie. holding down button results in continuous rotation )