Rz ans Sz are Copyrighted shareware programs. Commercial Use of these programs is subject to licensing conditions detailed in the sz.c source code. "Commercial Use" includes use of this program to transfer files to/from any commercial or shareware program not published by Omen Technology INC. Please print the "mailer.rz" file, fill out the form and return it with your registration. It is a violation of this program's Copyright to distribute binaries without the accompanying *.doc, README, and COPYING files. This software may be freely used to support file transfer operations to or from duly licensed Omen Technology products. This includes DSZ, GSZ, ZCOMM, Professional-YAM and PowerCom. Those desiring to use rz/sz this way must add the following to the sz compile line: -DCOMPL Use with other commercial or shareware programs (Crosstalk, Procomm, etc.) REQUIRES REGISTRATION.