Unix Rz and sz support XMODEM, YMODEM, and ZMODEM transfers via the dial-in controlling TTY (or PTY) port. Also included is the "undos" program which converts between Unix, MSDOS, CP/M, and Macintosh text file end of line conventions. The contents of this archive can be uploaded to a remote Unix or Xenix system by ZCOMM or Professional-YAM using the supplied zupl.t script. Connect to your Unix/Xenix system, select an empty directory, and then give the YAM/ZCOMM command: "source zupl.t". This will upload minirb.c, compile it, and then use minirb to bootstrap upload the rz/sz files. Once these files are on your Unix system, you can type "make". The Makefile will list the various systems it knows how to compile the programs for, and the command to do so (e.g., "make bsd"). The Makefile is self explanatory; just say "make". Unregistered users can obtain support on a consulting basis. Please call 503-614-0430 to arrange consulting support. Registered users can obtain free support for problems not involving terminal servers or third party software using email or the regular Omen Technology phone number. Rz and sz work best with comm programs that properly support ZMODEM command and file AutoDownload (Pro-YAM and ZCOMM). The "GSZ" shareware program allows ZMODEM file transfers with DOS comm programs. GSZ provides a "mini term function" that supports ZMODEM AutoDownload. GSZ (part of GSZ.ZIP) and ZCOMM (ZCOMMEXE.ZIP, ZCOMMDOC.ZIP, ZCOMMHLP.ZIP) are available on TeleGodzilla and other fine bulletin boards. This software may be freely used to support file transfer operations to or from duly licensed Omen Technology products. This includes DSZ, GSZ, ZCOMM, Professional-YAM and PowerCom. Institutions desiring to use rz/sz this way should add the following to the sz compile line: -DCOMPL Programs based on stolen or public domain ZMODEM materials are not included. Use with other commercial or shareware programs (Crosstalk, Procomm, etc.) REQUIRES REGISTRATION. Rz ans Sz are Copyrighted shareware programs. Commercial Use of these programs is subject to licensing conditions detailed in the sz.c source code. "Commercial Use" includes use of this program to transfer files to/from any commercial or shareware program not published by Omen Technology INC. Please print the "mailer.rz" file, fill out the form and return same with your registration. 1.xx and 2.xx versions of rz and sz (April 1988) are Public Domain, but lack recent enhancements and bug fixes. The Man pages are formatted for those without Unix nroff. For best results, use less(1) (available on comp.sources.misc) as your manual page reader. The troff sources for the rz/sz man pages are included with copies of Unix Professional-YAM, and are provided to registered sites as described in the mailer.rz file. Please check our web page www.omen.com for the latest information. FTP access is now available at ftp.cs.pdx.edu pub/zmodem directory. This account has the latest and greatest selection of OMEN files available for FTP. The files in this direcotryy are uploaded with ZMODEM directly from the Omen home system, preserving modification dates and file contents. Apr 30 1997: Rz handling of -N fixed. Sz buffering fixed to prevent spurious Bad Seek errors. Aug 2 1996: The paranoid can now disable command uploads: see rz.doc Mar 19 1996: Rz can now write its output to standard output (see rz.doc). Jan 28 1995: Sz now accepts standard input: "ls -l | sz -" See sz.doc. Sz is now compiled with buffering to support input from sources that do not allow seeks (pipes, etc.). <> the ZMODEM window size is set to guarantee error recovery will fit within the buffer. In some applications it may be desireable to increase the buffer size in the sz.c source code. June 22 1994: sz -e now escapes the all ones character (0xFF). This is useful in some terminal server applications. Sz now understands receiver specified control character prefixing (ZCOMM/Professional-YAM zmresc string parameter). Apr 23 1994: Added -DOLD compiler flag for antique SYSV compilers without a standard /usr/include/stdlib.h header file. This causes rbsb.c to define char *getenv() etc. instead of getting these definitons from stdlib.h. You may have to fiddle with the declarations in rbsb.c #ifdef OLD to get a clean compile. Registration and support has been clarified and simplified (see mailer.rz). Feb 18 94: A bug in sz that caused constipation at the end of a file under certain options was corrected. Jan 27 1994: Minor bugfixes and improvements, documentation improved. May 16 1993: More bugfixes, POSIX support. Tested on SCO Unix, BSDI 1.0, and SunOS 4.1.2. Code simplified to avoid certain compiler brain damage. (Some complaints about redefinitons with some POSIX compiles.) (Void and Unsigned Long are required.) Jan 2 1992: Documentation on the sz -T command has been improved. Please use this command and Professional-YAM to diagnose file transfer problems before calling for support. VMS systems are now supported with native VMS versions in RZSZ.TLB. The rz and sz in RZSZ.TLB support wild cards and VMS record types. New for 1989: ZMODEM compression and other compatible extensions have been added to the rz and sz programs. Please read the comments in the rz.c and sz.c source code for licensing information. In order for us to handle problem reports, we must have the exact error messages displayed by Professional-YAM. If transfers do not work at all, we must have complete results of the sz -T test procedure! If you are not using an Omen Technology product to talk to rz/sz and have not registered rz/sz, contact the author of the communications program you have purchased for support. Some heavily marketed programs do not properly support the XMODEM, YMODEM, and/orZMODEM protocols. Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX caf@omen.COM http://www.omen.com Omen Technology Inc "The High Reliability Software" Author of YMODEM, ZMODEM, Professional-YAM, ZCOMM, GSZ and DSZ TeleGodzilla BBS: 503-617-1698 FTP: ftp.cs.pdx.edu pub/zmodem POB 4681 Portland OR 97208 503-614-0430 FAX:503-629-0665