#define VERSION "3.48 01-27-98" #define PUBDIR "/usr/spool/uucppublic" /* ************************************************************************** * * sz.c By Chuck Forsberg, Omen Technology INC * Copyright 1997 Omen Technology Inc All Rights Reserved * ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* * * * This version implements numerous enhancements including ZMODEM * Run Length Encoding and variable length headers. These * features were not funded by the original Telenet development * contract. * * * This software may be freely used for educational (didactic * only) purposes. "Didactic" means it is used as a study item * in a course teaching the workings of computer protocols. * * This software may also be freely used to support file transfer * operations to or from duly licensed Omen Technology products. * This includes DSZ, GSZ, ZCOMM, Professional-YAM and PowerCom. * Institutions desiring to use rz/sz this way should add the * following to the sz compile line: -DCOMPL * Programs based on stolen or public domain ZMODEM materials are * not included. Use with other commercial or shareware programs * (Crosstalk, Procomm, etc.) REQUIRES REGISTRATION. * * * Any programs which incorporate part or all of this code must be * provided in source form with this notice intact except by * prior written permission from Omen Technology Incorporated. * This includes compiled executables of this program. * * The .doc files and the file "mailer.rz" must also be included. * * Use of this software for commercial or administrative purposes * except when exclusively limited to interfacing Omen Technology * products requires license payment of $20.00 US per user * (less in quantity, see mailer.rz). Use of this code by * inclusion, decompilation, reverse engineering or any other means * constitutes agreement to these conditions and acceptance of * liability to license the materials and payment of reasonable * legal costs necessary to enforce this license agreement. * * * Omen Technology Inc * Post Office Box 4681 * Portland OR 97208 * * This code is made available in the hope it will be useful, * BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND OR LIABILITY FOR ANY * DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. * * USG UNIX (3.0) ioctl conventions courtesy Jeff Martin */ char *Copyrsz = "Copyright 1997 Omen Technology Inc All Rights Reserved"; char *substr(); #define LOGFILE "/tmp/szlog" #define LOGFILE2 "szlog" #include #include #include #include extern int errno; #define STATIC #define PATHLEN 1000 #define OK 0 #define FALSE 0 #ifdef TRUE #undef TRUE #endif #define TRUE 1 #define ERROR (-1) /* Ward Christensen / CP/M parameters - Don't change these! */ #define ENQ 005 #define CAN ('X'&037) #define XOFF ('s'&037) #define XON ('q'&037) #define SOH 1 #define STX 2 #define EOT 4 #define ACK 6 #define NAK 025 #define SYN 026 #define CPMEOF 032 #define WANTCRC 0103 /* send C not NAK to get crc not checksum */ #define WANTG 0107 /* Send G not NAK to get nonstop batch xmsn */ #define TIMEOUT (-2) #define RCDO (-3) #define GCOUNT (-4) #define RETRYMAX 10 #define HOWMANY 2 STATIC int Zmodem=0; /* ZMODEM protocol requested by receiver */ unsigned Baudrate = 9600; /* Default, set by first mode() call */ STATIC unsigned Txwindow; /* Control the size of the transmitted window */ STATIC unsigned Txwspac; /* Spacing between zcrcq requests */ STATIC unsigned Txwcnt; /* Counter used to space ack requests */ STATIC long Lrxpos; /* Receiver's last reported offset */ STATIC int errors; char endmsg[80] = {0}; /* Possible message to display on exit */ char Zsendmask[33]; /* Additional control chars to mask */ #include "rbsb.c" /* most of the system dependent stuff here */ #include "crctab.c" STATIC int Filesleft; STATIC long Totalleft; /* * Attention string to be executed by receiver to interrupt streaming data * when an error is detected. A pause (0336) may be needed before the * ^C (03) or after it. */ #ifdef READCHECK STATIC char Myattn[] = { 0 }; #else #ifdef USG STATIC char Myattn[] = { 03, 0336, 0 }; #endif #endif FILE *in; STATIC int Canseek = 1; /* 1: Can seek 0: only rewind -1: neither (pipe) */ #ifndef SMALL #ifndef TXBSIZE #define TXBSIZE 32768 #endif #define TXBMASK (TXBSIZE-1) STATIC char Txb[TXBSIZE + 1024]; /* Circular buffer for file reads */ STATIC char *txbuf = Txb; /* Pointer to current file segment */ #else char txbuf[1024]; #endif STATIC long vpos = 0; /* Number of bytes read from file */ STATIC char Lastrx; STATIC char Crcflg; STATIC int Modem2=0; /* XMODEM Protocol - don't send pathnames */ STATIC int Restricted=0; /* restricted; no /.. or ../ in filenames */ STATIC int Fullname=0; /* transmit full pathname */ STATIC int Unlinkafter=0; /* Unlink file after it is sent */ STATIC int Dottoslash=0; /* Change foo.bar.baz to foo/bar/baz */ STATIC int firstsec; STATIC int errcnt=0; /* number of files unreadable */ STATIC int Skipbitch=0; STATIC int Skipcount=0; /* Count of skipped files */ STATIC int blklen=128; /* length of transmitted records */ STATIC int Optiong; /* Let it rip no wait for sector ACK's */ STATIC int Eofseen; /* EOF seen on input set by zfilbuf */ STATIC int BEofseen; /* EOF seen on input set by fooseek */ STATIC int Totsecs; /* total number of sectors this file */ STATIC int Filcnt=0; /* count of number of files opened */ STATIC unsigned Rxbuflen=16384; /* Receiver's max buffer length */ STATIC long Tframlen = 0; /* Override for tx frame length */ STATIC int blkopt=0; /* Override value for zmodem blklen */ STATIC int Rxflags = 0; STATIC long bytcnt, maxbytcnt; STATIC int Wantfcs32 = TRUE; /* want to send 32 bit FCS */ STATIC char Lzconv; /* Local ZMODEM file conversion request */ STATIC char Lzmanag; /* Local ZMODEM file management request */ STATIC int Lskipnocor; STATIC char Lztrans; STATIC int Command; /* Send a command, then exit. */ STATIC char *Cmdstr; /* Pointer to the command string */ STATIC int Cmdack1; /* Rx ACKs command, then do it */ STATIC int Exitcode; STATIC int Test; /* 1= Force receiver to send Attn, etc with qbf. */ /* 2= Character transparency test */ STATIC char *qbf= "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back 1234567890\r\n"; STATIC long Lastsync; /* Last offset to which we got a ZRPOS */ STATIC int Beenhereb4; /* How many times we've been ZRPOS'd here */ STATIC int Ksendstr; /* 1= Send esc-?-3-4-l to remote kermit */ STATIC char *ksendbuf = "\033[?34l"; STATIC jmp_buf intrjmp; /* For the interrupt on RX CAN */ /* called by signal interrupt or terminate to clean things up */ void bibi(n) { canit(); fflush(stdout); mode(0); fprintf(stderr, "sz: caught signal %d; exiting\n", n); if (n == SIGQUIT) abort(); if (n == 99) fprintf(stderr, "mode(2) in rbsb.c not implemented!!\n"); exit(3); } /* Called when ZMODEM gets an interrupt (^X) */ void onintr(c) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); longjmp(intrjmp, -1); } STATIC int Zctlesc; /* Encode control characters */ STATIC int Nozmodem = 0; /* If invoked as "sb" */ STATIC char *Progname = "sz"; STATIC int Zrwindow = 1400; /* RX window size (controls garbage count) */ /* * Log an error */ void zperr1(s,p,u) char *s, *p, *u; { if (Verbose <= 0) return; fprintf(stderr, "Retry %d: ", errors); fprintf(stderr, s); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void zperr2(s,p,u) char *s, *p, *u; { if (Verbose <= 0) return; fprintf(stderr, "Retry %d: ", errors); fprintf(stderr, s, p); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void zperr3(s,p,u) char *s, *p, *u; { if (Verbose <= 0) return; fprintf(stderr, "Retry %d: ", errors); fprintf(stderr, s, p, u); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #include "zm.c" #include "zmr.c" main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register char *cp; register npats; char **patts; if ((cp = getenv("ZNULLS")) && *cp) Znulls = atoi(cp); if ((cp=getenv("SHELL")) && (substr(cp, "rsh") || substr(cp, "rksh"))) Restricted=TRUE; inittty(); chkinvok(argv[0]); Rxtimeout = 600; npats=0; if (argc<2) usage(); while (--argc) { cp = *++argv; if (*cp++ == '-' && *cp) { while ( *cp) { if (isdigit(*cp)) { ++cp; continue; } switch(*cp++) { case '\\': *cp = toupper(*cp); continue; case '+': Lzmanag = ZMAPND; break; case 'a': if (Nozmodem || Modem2) usage(); Lzconv = ZCNL; break; case 'b': Lzconv = ZCBIN; break; case 'c': Lzmanag = ZMCHNG; break; case 'd': ++Dottoslash; /* **** FALL THROUGH TO **** */ case 'f': Fullname=TRUE; break; case 'g' : Ksendstr = TRUE; break; case 'e': Zctlesc = 1; break; case 'k': blklen=1024; break; case 'L': if (isdigit(*cp)) blkopt = atoi(cp); else { if (--argc < 1) usage(); blkopt = atoi(*++argv); } if (blkopt<24 || blkopt>1024) usage(); break; case 'l': if (isdigit(*cp)) Tframlen = atol(cp); else { if (--argc < 1) usage(); Tframlen = atol(*++argv); } if (Tframlen<32 || Tframlen>65535L) usage(); break; case 'N': Lzmanag = ZMNEWL; break; case 'n': Lzmanag = ZMNEW; break; case 'o': Wantfcs32 = FALSE; break; case 'p': Lzmanag = ZMPROT; break; case 'r': if (Lzconv == ZCRESUM) Lzmanag = (Lzmanag & ZMMASK) | ZMCRC; Lzconv = ZCRESUM; break; case 'T': chartest(1); chartest(2); mode(0); exit(0); case 'u': ++Unlinkafter; break; case 'v': ++Verbose; break; case 'w': if (isdigit(*cp)) Txwindow = atoi(cp); else { if (--argc < 1) usage(); Txwindow = atoi(*++argv); } if (Txwindow < 256) Txwindow = 256; Txwindow = (Txwindow/64) * 64; Txwspac = Txwindow/4; if (blkopt > Txwspac || (!blkopt && Txwspac < 1024)) blkopt = Txwspac; break; case 'x': Skipbitch = 1; break; case 'Y': Lskipnocor = TRUE; /* **** FALLL THROUGH TO **** */ case 'y': Lzmanag = ZMCLOB; break; case 'Z': case 'z': Lztrans = ZTRLE; break; default: usage(); } } } else if (Command) { if (argc != 1) { usage(); } Cmdstr = *argv; } else if ( !npats && argc>0) { if (argv[0][0]) { npats=argc; patts=argv; } } } if (npats < 1 && !Command && !Test) usage(); if (Verbose) { if (freopen(LOGFILE, "a", stderr)==NULL) if (freopen(LOGFILE2, "a", stderr)==NULL) { printf("Can't open log file!"); exit(2); } setbuf(stderr, NULL); } vfile("%s %s for %s tty=%s\n", Progname, VERSION, OS, Nametty); mode(3); if (signal(SIGINT, bibi) == SIG_IGN) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGKILL, SIG_IGN); } else { signal(SIGINT, bibi); signal(SIGKILL, bibi); } #ifdef SIGQUIT signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef SIGTERM signal(SIGTERM, bibi); #endif countem(npats, patts); if (!Modem2 && !Nozmodem) { if (Ksendstr) printf(ksendbuf); printf("rz\r"); fflush(stdout); stohdr(0x80L); /* Show we can var header */ if (Command) Txhdr[ZF0] = ZCOMMAND; zshhdr(4, ZRQINIT, Txhdr); } fflush(stdout); if (Command) { if (getzrxinit()) { Exitcode=1; canit(); } else if (zsendcmd(Cmdstr, 1+strlen(Cmdstr))) { Exitcode=1; canit(); } } else if (wcsend(npats, patts)==ERROR) { Exitcode=1; canit(); sleep(20); } if (Skipcount) { printf("%d file(s) skipped by receiver request\r\n", Skipcount); if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%d file(s) skipped by receiver request\r\n", Skipcount); } if (endmsg[0]) { printf("\r\n%s: %s\r\n", Progname, endmsg); if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s\r\n", endmsg); } printf("%s %s finished.\r\n", Progname, VERSION); fflush(stdout); mode(0); if(errcnt || Exitcode) exit(1); #ifndef REGISTERED /* Removing or disabling this code without registering is theft */ if (!Usevhdrs) { printf("\n\n\n**** UNREGISTERED COPY *****\r\n"); printf("\n\n\nPlease read the License Agreement in sz.doc\n"); fflush(stdout); sleep(10); } #endif exit(0); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* Say "bibi" to the receiver, try to do it cleanly */ void saybibi() { for (;;) { stohdr(0L); /* CAF Was zsbhdr - minor change */ zshhdr(4, ZFIN, Txhdr); /* to make debugging easier */ switch (zgethdr(Rxhdr)) { case ZFIN: sendline('O'); sendline('O'); flushmo(); case ZCAN: case TIMEOUT: return; } } } wcsend(argc, argp) char *argp[]; { register n; Crcflg=FALSE; firstsec=TRUE; bytcnt = maxbytcnt = -1; vfile("wcsend: argc=%d", argc); if (Nozmodem) { printf("Start your local YMODEM receive. "); fflush(stdout); } for (n=0; n>7); } printf("Start your local XMODEM receive. "); fflush(stdout); return OK; } zperr2("Awaiting pathname nak for %s", *name?name:""); if ( !Zmodem) if (getnak()) return ERROR; q = (char *) 0; if (Dottoslash) { /* change . to . */ for (p=name; *p; ++p) { if (*p == '/') q = p; else if (*p == '.') *(q=p) = '/'; } if (q && strlen(++q) > 8) { /* If name>8 chars */ q += 8; /* make it .ext */ strcpy(name2, q); /* save excess of name */ *q = '.'; strcpy(++q, name2); /* add it back */ } } for (p=name, q=txbuf ; *p; ) if ((*q++ = *p++) == '/' && !Fullname) q = txbuf; *q++ = 0; p=q; while (q < (txbuf + 1024)) *q++ = 0; if (*name) { if (fstat(fileno(in), &f)!= -1) sprintf(p, "%lu %lo %o 3 %d %ld", f.st_size, f.st_mtime, f.st_mode, Filesleft, Totalleft); Totalleft -= f.st_size; } if (--Filesleft <= 0) Filesleft = Totalleft = 0; if (Totalleft < 0) Totalleft = 0; /* force 1k blocks if name won't fit in 128 byte block */ if (txbuf[125]) blklen=1024; else { /* A little goodie for IMP/KMD */ txbuf[127] = (f.st_size + 127) >>7; txbuf[126] = (f.st_size + 127) >>15; } vfile("wctxpn: %s", p); if (Zmodem) return zsendfile(txbuf, 1+strlen(p)+(p-txbuf)); if (wcputsec(txbuf, 0, 128)==ERROR) return ERROR; return OK; } getnak() { register firstch; Lastrx = 0; for (;;) { switch (firstch = readline(800)) { case ZPAD: if (getzrxinit()) return ERROR; return FALSE; case TIMEOUT: sprintf(endmsg, "Timeout waiting for ZRINIT"); return TRUE; case WANTG: #ifdef MODE2OK mode(2); /* Set cbreak, XON/XOFF, etc. */ #endif Optiong = TRUE; blklen=1024; case WANTCRC: Crcflg = TRUE; case NAK: return FALSE; case CAN: if ((firstch = readline(20)) == CAN && Lastrx == CAN) { sprintf(endmsg, "Got CAN waiting to send file"); return TRUE; } default: break; } Lastrx = firstch; } } wctx(flen) long flen; { register int thisblklen; register int sectnum, attempts, firstch; long charssent; charssent = 0; firstsec=TRUE; thisblklen = blklen; vfile("wctx:file length=%ld", flen); while ((firstch=readline(Rxtimeout))!=NAK && firstch != WANTCRC && firstch != WANTG && firstch!=TIMEOUT && firstch!=CAN) ; if (firstch==CAN) { zperr1("Receiver CANcelled"); return ERROR; } if (firstch==WANTCRC) Crcflg=TRUE; if (firstch==WANTG) Crcflg=TRUE; sectnum=0; for (;;) { if (flen <= (charssent + 896L)) thisblklen = 128; if ( !filbuf(txbuf, thisblklen)) break; if (wcputsec(txbuf, ++sectnum, thisblklen)==ERROR) return ERROR; charssent += thisblklen; } fclose(in); attempts=0; do { purgeline(); sendline(EOT); flushmo(); ++attempts; } while ((firstch=(readline(Rxtimeout)) != ACK) && attempts < RETRYMAX); if (attempts == RETRYMAX) { zperr1("No ACK on EOT"); return ERROR; } else return OK; } wcputsec(buf, sectnum, cseclen) char *buf; int sectnum; int cseclen; /* data length of this sector to send */ { register checksum, wcj; register char *cp; unsigned oldcrc; int firstch; int attempts; firstch=0; /* part of logic to detect CAN CAN */ if (Verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "Sector %3d %2dk\n", Totsecs, Totsecs/8 ); for (attempts=0; attempts <= RETRYMAX; attempts++) { Lastrx= firstch; sendline(cseclen==1024?STX:SOH); sendline(sectnum); sendline(-sectnum -1); oldcrc=checksum=0; for (wcj=cseclen,cp=buf; --wcj>=0; ) { sendline(*cp); oldcrc=updcrc((0377& *cp), oldcrc); checksum += *cp++; } if (Crcflg) { oldcrc=updcrc(0,updcrc(0,oldcrc)); sendline((int)oldcrc>>8); sendline((int)oldcrc); } else sendline(checksum); flushmo(); if (Optiong) { firstsec = FALSE; return OK; } firstch = readline(Rxtimeout); gotnak: switch (firstch) { case CAN: if(Lastrx == CAN) { cancan: zperr1("Cancelled"); return ERROR; } break; case TIMEOUT: zperr1("Timeout on sector ACK"); continue; case WANTCRC: if (firstsec) Crcflg = TRUE; case NAK: zperr1("NAK on sector"); continue; case ACK: firstsec=FALSE; Totsecs += (cseclen>>7); return OK; case ERROR: zperr1("Got burst for sector ACK"); break; default: zperr2("Got %02x for sector ACK", firstch); break; } for (;;) { Lastrx = firstch; if ((firstch = readline(Rxtimeout)) == TIMEOUT) break; if (firstch == NAK || firstch == WANTCRC) goto gotnak; if (firstch == CAN && Lastrx == CAN) goto cancan; } } zperr1("Retry Count Exceeded"); return ERROR; } /* fill buf with count chars padding with ^Z for CPM */ filbuf(buf, count) register char *buf; { register m; m = read(fileno(in), buf, count); if (m <= 0) return 0; while (m < count) buf[m++] = 032; return count; } /* Fill buffer with blklen chars */ zfilbuf() { int n; #ifdef TXBSIZE vfile("zfilbuf: bytcnt =%lu vpos=%lu blklen=%d", bytcnt, vpos, blklen); /* We assume request is within buffer, or just beyond */ txbuf = Txb + (bytcnt & TXBMASK); if (vpos <= bytcnt) { n = fread(txbuf, 1, blklen, in); vpos += n; if (n < blklen) Eofseen = 1; vfile("zfilbuf: n=%d vpos=%lu Eofseen=%d", n, vpos, Eofseen); return n; } if (vpos >= (bytcnt+blklen)) return blklen; /* May be a short block if crash recovery etc. */ Eofseen = BEofseen; return (vpos - bytcnt); #else n = fread(txbuf, 1, blklen, in); if (n < blklen) { Eofseen = 1; vfile("zfilbuf: n=%d vpos=%lu Eofseen=%d", n, vpos, Eofseen); } return n; #endif } #ifdef TXBSIZE /* Replacement for brain damaged fseek function. Returns 0==success */ fooseek(fptr, pos, whence) FILE *fptr; long pos; { long m, n; vfile("fooseek: pos =%lu vpos=%lu Canseek=%d", pos, vpos, Canseek); /* Seek offset < current buffer */ if (pos < (vpos -TXBSIZE +1024)) { BEofseen = 0; if (Canseek > 0) { vpos = pos & ~TXBMASK; if (vpos > pos) vpos -= TXBSIZE; vfile("seek to vpos=%ld", vpos); if (fseek(fptr, vpos, 0)) return 1; } else if (Canseek == 0) { vfile("seek to 00000"); if (fseek(fptr, vpos = 0L, 0)) return 1; } else return 1; while (vpos < pos) { n = fread(Txb, (size_t)1, (size_t)TXBSIZE, fptr); vpos += n; vfile("n=%d vpos=%ld", n, vpos); if (n < TXBSIZE) { BEofseen = 1; break; } } vfile("vpos=%ld", vpos); return 0; } /* Seek offset > current buffer (Crash Recovery, etc.) */ if (pos > vpos) { if (Canseek) if (fseek(fptr, vpos = (pos & ~TXBMASK), 0)) return 1; while (vpos <= pos) { txbuf = Txb + (vpos & TXBMASK); m = TXBSIZE - (vpos & TXBMASK); vfile("m=%ld vpos=%ld", m,vpos); n = fread(txbuf, (size_t)1, (size_t)m, fptr); vfile("n=%ld vpos=%ld", n,vpos); vpos += n; vfile("bo=%d m=%ld vpos=%ld", txbuf-Txb,m,vpos); if (n < m) { BEofseen = 1; break; } } return 0; } /* Seek offset is within current buffer */ vfile("within buffer: vpos=%ld", vpos); return 0; } #define fseek fooseek #endif /* * substr(string, token) searches for token in string s * returns pointer to token within string if found, NULL otherwise */ char * substr(s, t) register char *s,*t; { register char *ss,*tt; /* search for first char of token */ for (ss=s; *s; s++) if (*s == *t) /* compare token with substring */ for (ss=s,tt=t; ;) { if (*tt == 0) return s; if (*ss++ != *tt++) break; } return NULL; } char *usinfo[] = { "Send Files and Commands with ZMODEM/YMODEM/XMODEM Protocol\n", "Usage: sz [-+abcdefgklLnNuvwxyYZ] [-] file ...", "\t zcommand [-egv] COMMAND", "\t zcommandi [-egv] COMMAND", "\t sb [-adfkuv] [-] file ...", "\t sx [-akuv] [-] file", "" }; usage() { char **pp; fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s for %s by Chuck Forsberg, Omen Technology INC\n", Progname, VERSION, OS); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\042The High Reliability Software\042\n"); for (pp=usinfo; **pp; ++pp) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", *pp); fprintf(stderr,"\nCopyright (c) 1997 Omen Technology INC All Rights Reserved\n"); fprintf(stderr, "See sz.doc and README for option descriptions and licensing information.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This program is designed to talk to terminal programs,\nnot to be called by one.\n"); exit(3); } /* * Get the receiver's init parameters */ getzrxinit() { register n; struct stat f; for (n=10; --n>=0; ) { switch (zgethdr(Rxhdr)) { case ZCHALLENGE: /* Echo receiver's challenge numbr */ stohdr(Rxpos); zshhdr(4, ZACK, Txhdr); continue; case ZCOMMAND: /* They didn't see out ZRQINIT */ stohdr(0L); zshhdr(4, ZRQINIT, Txhdr); continue; case ZRINIT: if (Rxhlen==4 && (Rxhdr[ZF1] & ZRQNVH)) { stohdr(0x80L); /* Show we can var header */ zshhdr(4, ZRQINIT, Txhdr); continue; } Rxflags = 0377 & Rxhdr[ZF0]; #if COMPL Usevhdrs = 1; #else Usevhdrs = Rxhdr[ZF1] & CANVHDR; #endif Txfcs32 = (Wantfcs32 && (Rxflags & CANFC32)); Zctlesc |= Rxflags & TESCCTL; if (Rxhdr[ZF1] & ZRRQQQ) /* Escape ctrls */ initzsendmsk(Rxhdr+ZRPXQQ); Rxbuflen = (0377 & Rxhdr[ZP0])+((0377 & Rxhdr[ZP1])<<8); if ( !(Rxflags & CANFDX)) Txwindow = 0; vfile("Rxbuflen=%d Tframlen=%ld", Rxbuflen, Tframlen); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); #ifdef MODE2OK mode(2); /* Set cbreak, XON/XOFF, etc. */ #endif #ifndef READCHECK #ifndef USG /* Use 1024 byte frames if no sample/interrupt */ if (Rxbuflen < 32 || Rxbuflen > 1024) { Rxbuflen = 1024; vfile("Rxbuflen=%d", Rxbuflen); } #endif #endif /* Override to force shorter frame length */ if (Rxbuflen && (Rxbuflen>Tframlen) && (Tframlen>=32)) Rxbuflen = Tframlen; if ( !Rxbuflen && (Tframlen>=32)) Rxbuflen = Tframlen; vfile("Rxbuflen=%d", Rxbuflen); /* * If input is not a regular file, force ACK's to * prevent running beyond the buffer limits */ if ( !Command) { fstat(fileno(in), &f); if ( #ifdef POSIX !S_ISREG(f.st_mode) #else (f.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG #endif ) { Canseek = -1; f.st_size = 0; f.st_mtime = 0; #ifdef TXBSIZE Txwindow = TXBSIZE - 1024; Txwspac = TXBSIZE/4; #else sprintf(endmsg, "Can't seek on input"); return ERROR; #endif } } /* Set initial subpacket length */ if (blklen < 1024) { /* Command line override? */ if (Baudrate > 300) blklen = 256; if (Baudrate > 1200) blklen = 512; if (Baudrate > 2400) blklen = 1024; if (Baudrate < 300) blklen = 1024; } if (Rxbuflen && blklen>Rxbuflen) blklen = Rxbuflen; if (blkopt && blklen > blkopt) blklen = blkopt; vfile("Rxbuflen=%d blklen=%d", Rxbuflen, blklen); vfile("Txwindow = %u Txwspac = %d", Txwindow, Txwspac); if (Lztrans == ZTRLE && (Rxflags & CANRLE)) Txfcs32 = 2; else Lztrans = 0; return (sendzsinit()); case ZCAN: case TIMEOUT: return ERROR; case ZRQINIT: if (Rxhdr[ZF0] == ZCOMMAND) continue; default: zshhdr(4, ZNAK, Txhdr); continue; } } return ERROR; } /* Send send-init information */ sendzsinit() { register c; if (Myattn[0] == '\0' && (!Zctlesc || (Rxflags & TESCCTL))) return OK; errors = 0; for (;;) { stohdr(0L); #ifdef ALTCANOFF Txhdr[ALTCOFF] = ALTCANOFF; #endif if (Zctlesc) { Txhdr[ZF0] |= TESCCTL; zshhdr(4, ZSINIT, Txhdr); } else zsbhdr(4, ZSINIT, Txhdr); zsdata(Myattn, ZATTNLEN, ZCRCW); c = zgethdr(Rxhdr); switch (c) { case ZCAN: return ERROR; case ZACK: return OK; default: if (++errors > 19) return ERROR; continue; } } } /* Send file name and related info */ zsendfile(buf, blen) char *buf; { register c; register unsigned long crc; int m, n, i; char *p; long lastcrcrq = -1; long lastcrcof = -1; long l; for (errors=0; ++errors<11;) { Txhdr[ZF0] = Lzconv; /* file conversion request */ Txhdr[ZF1] = Lzmanag; /* file management request */ if (Lskipnocor) Txhdr[ZF1] |= ZMSKNOLOC; Txhdr[ZF2] = Lztrans; /* file transport request */ Txhdr[ZF3] = 0; zsbhdr(4, ZFILE, Txhdr); zsdata(buf, blen, ZCRCW); again: c = zgethdr(Rxhdr); switch (c) { case ZRINIT: while ((c = readline(50)) > 0) if (c == ZPAD) { goto again; } continue; case ZCAN: case TIMEOUT: case ZABORT: case ZFIN: sprintf(endmsg, "Got %s on pathname", frametypes[c+FTOFFSET]); return ERROR; default: sprintf(endmsg, "Got %d frame type on pathname", c); continue; case ERROR: case ZNAK: continue; case ZCRC: l = Rxhdr[9] & 0377; l = (l<<8) + (Rxhdr[8] & 0377); l = (l<<8) + (Rxhdr[7] & 0377); l = (l<<8) + (Rxhdr[6] & 0377); if (Rxpos != lastcrcrq || l != lastcrcof) { lastcrcrq = Rxpos; crc = 0xFFFFFFFFL; if (Canseek >= 0) { fseek(in, bytcnt = l, 0); i = 0; vfile("CRC32 on %ld bytes", Rxpos); do { /* No rx timeouts! */ if (--i < 0) { i = 32768L/blklen; sendline(SYN); flushmoc(); } bytcnt += m = n = zfilbuf(); if (bytcnt > maxbytcnt) maxbytcnt = bytcnt; for (p = txbuf; --m >= 0; ++p) { c = *p & 0377; crc = UPDC32(c, crc); } #ifdef DEBUG vfile("bytcnt=%ld crc=%08lX", bytcnt, crc); #endif } while (n && bytcnt < lastcrcrq); crc = ~crc; #ifndef MMIO clearerr(in); /* Clear possible EOF */ #endif } } stohdr(crc); zsbhdr(4, ZCRC, Txhdr); goto again; case ZFERR: case ZSKIP: ++Skipcount; if (Skipbitch) ++errcnt; fclose(in); return c; case ZRPOS: /* * Suppress zcrcw request otherwise triggered by * lastyunc==bytcnt */ if (fseek(in, Rxpos, 0)) return ERROR; Lastsync = (maxbytcnt = bytcnt = Txpos = Lrxpos = Rxpos) -1; return zsendfdata(); } } fclose(in); return ERROR; } /* Send the data in the file */ zsendfdata() { register c, e, n; register newcnt; register long tcount = 0; int junkcount; /* Counts garbage chars received by TX */ static int tleft = 6; /* Counter for test mode */ junkcount = 0; Beenhereb4 = 0; somemore: if (setjmp(intrjmp)) { waitack: junkcount = 0; c = getinsync(0); gotack: switch (c) { default: case ZCAN: fclose(in); return ERROR; case ZRINIT: fclose(in); return ZSKIP; case ZSKIP: ++Skipcount; if (Skipbitch) ++errcnt; fclose(in); return c; case ZACK: case ZRPOS: break; } #ifdef READCHECK /* * If the reverse channel can be tested for data, * this logic may be used to detect error packets * sent by the receiver, in place of setjmp/longjmp * rdchk(Tty) returns non 0 if a character is available */ while (rdchk(Tty)) { #ifdef EATSIT switch (checked) #else switch (readline(1)) #endif { case CAN: case ZPAD: c = getinsync(1); goto gotack; case XOFF: /* Wait a while for an XON */ readline(100); } } #endif } signal(SIGINT, onintr); newcnt = Rxbuflen; Txwcnt = 0; stohdr(Txpos); zsbhdr(4, ZDATA, Txhdr); /* * Special testing mode. This should force receiver to Attn,ZRPOS * many times. Each time the signal should be caught, causing the * file to be started over from the beginning. */ if (Test) { if ( --tleft) while (tcount < 20000) { printf(qbf); fflush(stdout); tcount += strlen(qbf); #ifdef READCHECK while (rdchk(Tty)) { #ifdef EATSIT switch (checked) #else switch (readline(1)) #endif { case CAN: case ZPAD: goto waitack; case XOFF: /* Wait for XON */ readline(100); } } #endif } signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); canit(); sleep(20); purgeline(); mode(0); printf("\nsz: Tcount = %ld\n", tcount); if (tleft) { printf("ERROR: Interrupts Not Caught\n"); exit(1); } exit(0); } do { n = zfilbuf(); if (Eofseen) e = ZCRCE; else if (junkcount > 3) e = ZCRCW; else if (bytcnt == Lastsync) e = ZCRCW; else if (Rxbuflen && (newcnt -= n) <= 0) e = ZCRCW; else if (Txwindow && (Txwcnt += n) >= Txwspac) { Txwcnt = 0; e = ZCRCQ; } else e = ZCRCG; if (Verbose>1) fprintf(stderr, "%7ld ZMODEM%s\n", Txpos, Crc32t?" CRC-32":""); zsdata(txbuf, n, e); bytcnt = Txpos += n; if (bytcnt > maxbytcnt) maxbytcnt = bytcnt; if (e == ZCRCW) goto waitack; #ifdef READCHECK /* * If the reverse channel can be tested for data, * this logic may be used to detect error packets * sent by the receiver, in place of setjmp/longjmp * rdchk(Tty) returns non 0 if a character is available */ fflush(stdout); while (rdchk(Tty)) { #ifdef EATSIT switch (checked) #else switch (readline(1)) #endif { case CAN: case ZPAD: c = getinsync(1); if (c == ZACK) break; /* zcrce - dinna wanna starta ping-pong game */ zsdata(txbuf, 0, ZCRCE); goto gotack; case XOFF: /* Wait a while for an XON */ readline(100); default: ++junkcount; } } #endif /* READCHECK */ if (Txwindow) { while ((tcount = (Txpos - Lrxpos)) >= Txwindow) { vfile("%ld window >= %u", tcount, Txwindow); if (e != ZCRCQ) zsdata(txbuf, 0, e = ZCRCQ); c = getinsync(1); if (c != ZACK) { zsdata(txbuf, 0, ZCRCE); goto gotack; } } vfile("window = %ld", tcount); } } while (!Eofseen); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); for (;;) { stohdr(Txpos); zsbhdr(4, ZEOF, Txhdr); egotack: switch (getinsync(0)) { case ZACK: goto egotack; case ZNAK: continue; case ZRPOS: goto somemore; case ZRINIT: fclose(in); return OK; case ZSKIP: ++Skipcount; if (Skipbitch) ++errcnt; fclose(in); return c; default: sprintf(endmsg, "Got %d trying to send end of file", c); case ERROR: fclose(in); return ERROR; } } } /* * Respond to receiver's complaint, get back in sync with receiver */ getinsync(flag) { register c; for (;;) { if (Test) { printf("\r\n\n\n***** Signal Caught *****\r\n"); Rxpos = 0; c = ZRPOS; } else c = zgethdr(Rxhdr); switch (c) { case ZCAN: case ZABORT: case ZFIN: case TIMEOUT: sprintf(endmsg, "Got %s sending data", frametypes[c+FTOFFSET]); return ERROR; case ZRPOS: if (Rxpos > bytcnt) { vfile("getinsync: Rxpos=%lx bytcnt=%lx Maxbytcnt=%lx", Rxpos, bytcnt, maxbytcnt); if (Rxpos > maxbytcnt) sprintf(endmsg, "Nonstandard Protocol at %lX", Rxpos); return ZRPOS; } /* ************************************* */ /* If sending to a buffered modem, you */ /* might send a break at this point to */ /* dump the modem's buffer. */ clearerr(in); /* In case file EOF seen */ if (fseek(in, Rxpos, 0)) { sprintf(endmsg, "Bad Seek to %ld", Rxpos); return ERROR; } Eofseen = 0; bytcnt = Lrxpos = Txpos = Rxpos; if (Lastsync == Rxpos) { if (++Beenhereb4 > 12) { sprintf(endmsg, "Can't send block"); return ERROR; } if (Beenhereb4 > 4) if (blklen > 32) blklen /= 2; } else Beenhereb4 = 0; Lastsync = Rxpos; return c; case ZACK: Lrxpos = Rxpos; if (flag || Txpos == Rxpos) return ZACK; continue; case ZRINIT: return c; case ZSKIP: ++Skipcount; if (Skipbitch) ++errcnt; return c; case ERROR: default: zsbhdr(4, ZNAK, Txhdr); continue; } } } /* Send command and related info */ zsendcmd(buf, blen) char *buf; { register c; long cmdnum; cmdnum = getpid(); errors = 0; for (;;) { stohdr(cmdnum); Txhdr[ZF0] = Cmdack1; zsbhdr(4, ZCOMMAND, Txhdr); zsdata(buf, blen, ZCRCW); listen: Rxtimeout = 100; /* Ten second wait for resp. */ Usevhdrs = 0; /* Allow rx to send fixed len headers */ c = zgethdr(Rxhdr); switch (c) { case ZRINIT: goto listen; /* CAF 8-21-87 */ case ERROR: case GCOUNT: case TIMEOUT: if (++errors > 11) return ERROR; continue; case ZCAN: case ZABORT: case ZFIN: case ZSKIP: case ZRPOS: return ERROR; default: if (++errors > 20) return ERROR; continue; case ZCOMPL: Exitcode = Rxpos; saybibi(); return OK; case ZRQINIT: vfile("******** RZ *******"); system("rz"); vfile("******** SZ *******"); goto listen; } } } /* * If called as sb use YMODEM protocol */ chkinvok(s) char *s; { register char *p; p = s; while (*p == '-') s = ++p; while (*p) if (*p++ == '/') s = p; if (*s == 'v') { Verbose=1; ++s; } Progname = s; if (s[0]=='z' && s[1] == 'c') { Command = TRUE; if (s[8] == 'i') Cmdack1 = ZCACK1; } if (s[0]=='s' && s[1]=='b') { Nozmodem = TRUE; blklen=1024; } if (s[0]=='s' && s[1]=='x') { Modem2 = TRUE; } } countem(argc, argv) register char **argv; { struct stat f; for (Totalleft = 0, Filesleft = 0; --argc >=0; ++argv) { f.st_size = -1; if (Verbose>2) { fprintf(stderr, "\nCountem: %03d %s ", argc, *argv); fflush(stderr); } if (access(*argv, 04) >= 0 && stat(*argv, &f) >= 0) { ++Filesleft; Totalleft += f.st_size; } if (Verbose>2) fprintf(stderr, " %ld", f.st_size); } if (Verbose>2) fprintf(stderr, "\ncountem: Total %d %ld\n", Filesleft, Totalleft); } chartest(m) { register n; mode(m); printf("\r\n\nCharacter Transparency Test Mode %d\r\n", m); printf("If Pro-YAM/ZCOMM is not displaying ^M hit ALT-V NOW.\r\n"); printf("Hit Enter.\021"); fflush(stdout); readline(500); for (n = 0; n < 256; ++n) { if (!(n%8)) printf("\r\n"); printf("%02x ", n); fflush(stdout); sendline(n); flushmo(); printf(" "); fflush(stdout); if (n == 127) { printf("Hit Enter.\021"); fflush(stdout); readline(500); printf("\r\n"); fflush(stdout); } } printf("\021\r\nEnter Characters, echo is in hex.\r\n"); printf("Hit SPACE or pause 40 seconds for exit.\r\n"); while (n != TIMEOUT && n != ' ') { n = readline(400); printf("%02x\r\n", n); fflush(stdout); } printf("\r\nMode %d character transparency test ends.\r\n", m); fflush(stdout); } /* * Set additional control chars to mask in Zsendmask * according to bit array stored in char array at p */ initzsendmsk(p) register char *p; { register c; for (c = 0; c < 33; ++c) { if (p[c>>3] & (1 << (c & 7))) { Zsendmask[c] = 1; vfile("Escaping %02o", c); } } } /* End of sz.c */