/* File : strings.d/ascii.h Author : Richard A. O'Keefe Updated: 28 April 1984 Purpose: Define Ascii mnemonics. This file defines the ASCII control characters. Note that these names refer to their use in communication; it is an ERROR to use these names to talk about keyboard commands. For example, DO NOT use EOT when you mean "end of file", as many people prefer ^Z (if the Ascii code were taken seriously, EOT would log you off and hang up the line as well). Similarly, DO NOT use DEL when you mean "interrupt", many people prefer ^C. When writing a screen editor, you should speak of tocntrl('C') rather than ETX (see the header file "ctypes.h"). */ #define NUL '\000' /* null character */ #define SOH '\001' /* Start Of Heading, start of message */ #define STX '\002' /* Start Of Text, end of address */ #define ETX '\003' /* End of TeXt, end of message */ #define EOT '\004' /* End Of Transmission */ #define ENQ '\005' /* ENQuiry "who are you" */ #define ACK '\006' /* (positive) ACKnowledge */ #define BEL '\007' /* ring the BELl */ #define BS '\010' /* BackSpace */ #define HT '\011' /* Horizontal Tab */ #define TAB '\011' /* an unofficial name for HT */ #define LF '\012' /* Line Feed (does not imply cr) */ #define NL '\012' /* unix unofficial name for LF: new line */ #define VT '\013' /* Vertical Tab */ #define FF '\014' /* Form Feed (new page starts AFTER this) */ #define CR '\015' /* Carriage Return */ #define SO '\016' /* Shift Out; select alternate character set */ #define SI '\017' /* Shift In; select ASCII again */ #define DLE '\020' /* Data Link Escape */ #define DC1 '\021' /* Device Control 1 */ #define XON '\021' /* transmitter on, resume output */ #define DC2 '\022' /* Device Control 2 (auxiliary on) */ #define DC3 '\023' /* Device Control 3 */ #define XOFF '\023' /* transmitter off, suspend output */ #define DC4 '\024' /* Device Control 4 (auxiliary off) */ #define NAK '\025' /* Negative AcKnowledge (signal error) */ #define SYN '\026' /* SYNchronous idle */ #define ETB '\027' /* End of Transmission Block, logical end of medium */ #define CAN '\030' /* CANcel */ #define EM '\031' /* End of Medium */ #define SUB '\032' /* SUBstitute */ #define ESC '\033' /* ESCape */ #define FS '\034' /* File Separator */ #define GS '\035' /* Group Separator */ #define RS '\036' /* Record Separator */ #define US '\037' /* Unit Separator */ #define SP '\040' /* SPace */ #define DEL '\177' /* DELete, rubout */