windy, a tool for inspecting and manipulating window parameters. See the article 'window' in Section 7 of the 7300 System V Administrator's manual, and see the file /usr/include/sys/window.h Brief theory. Each window has these parameters: (the ones marked RO are not alterable by a user) NAME ARG TYPE MEANING uw_x -x 16 bits x coord of upper left corner, in pixels uw_y -y 16 bits y coord of upper left corner, in pixels uw_width -w 16 bits width of window, in pixels uw_height -h 16 bits height of window, in pixels uw_uflags -f 16 bits word of bits. see /usr/include/sys/window.h You can alter bits 4ff. uw_hs 8 bits[RO] ? uw_vs 8 bits[RO] ? uw_baseline 8 bits[RO] ? uw_cx 16 bits[RO] ? uw_cy 16 bits[RO] ? PROMPT -p char string 'prompt' line CMD -c char string 'command' line LABEL -l char string label on top of window border USER -n char string name of window as reported W icon. SLK1 -1 char string first line of F-key labels SLK2 -2 char string second line of F-key labels The 29-line screen is divied up like this: Line 1: status line Lines 2-25: window lines Line 26: the prompt line Line 27: the line a user types in Line 28: the top line of special function key labels Line 29: the bottom line of ditto. OK. the program windy can be used to 1) report these things or 2) alter them. Examples of use: (see the column labeles ARGS above) 1. To get a report about current window, do this: windy -r 2. To alter current window name: windy -n "My New Name" 3. To alter size of current window: windy -w 400 -h 100 4. To make current window borderless & of maximal size: windy 5. To make a new borderless maximal window with 'vi file' running in it: windy vi file 6. To do the above and call the new window "Vi Hotshot": windy -n "Vi Hotshot" vi file In general, there are 2 forms: windy -r windy [window-args] [command-args] As we saw, windy -r just reports on current window. In the second case, if no command-args are given, the window-args apply to the current window. If command-args are given, a new window is created and the window-args apply to it, and the indicated command is run in the new window. An empty window-args list means borderless & maximal size. Valid window args are listed in ARGS column of table above. The only zinger is this: the -f arg must be specified in hex, the other numerical args in decimal. NEW STUFF 5 Dec 85 === ===== = === == Two new flags: -b -K -b applies only to windy invocations that create a new window, viz, those that specify command-args. It puts the command in the new window in the background, so that if you return to the window manager and select your shell, the shell will not wait for the windy command to finish. Try "windy -b directu" and click on the corner W and select the shell, contrast with "windy directu" followed by ditto: much better the -b way. NOTE: there is a command 'resume' which is a shelly way of selecting windows for the mouse shy. -K is used to put RVideo mode on the SLK labels. You invoke windy with an argument list like: windy -1 "special key label, row 1" -2 "special key label, row 2" \ -K " rrrrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr " and whereever an 'r' occurs in the K-arg, the corresponding slk label noodle will be in reverse video. The other entries will be blank.