Wlabel = "windows - Sample File" Contents = Windows Name = Windows Llabel = " " Slabel = " " Branch = Windows Title = "What is a Window?" Text = A window is a section of your screen that is surrounded by a \ border and contains a portion of your work or information \ necessary to perform your work. Windows are used to separate \ many tasks that you may be working on at the same time. There are many types of windows. Some windows contain your work, \ such as a document or spreadsheet that you may have created. \ Other windows are menu windows. Menu windows contain a list of \ tasks or commands. Some windows contain forms that you fill in to \ execute a system task. There are also windows that display \ messages informing you of the status of some commands or tasks. Windows make your system versatile by providing an easy way to do \ different things at the same time, and on the same screen. \EOT\