mfm_write writes an emulator file to a disk drive. Currently it can only write an entire disk at once. It has limited testing. A couple people have successfully used it. It will pick up number of cylinders and heads to write from emulator file. This program does not do anything to avoid using bad locations/sectors on the disk so unless the drive is error free you will likely end up with some files with read errors.

Emulation_file and drive must be specified.

--drive -d #

Drive number to select for reading. Drives are number 1 to 4.

--emulation_file -m filename

File to write to disk drive.

--quiet -q #h

Bit mask to select which messages don't print. 0 is print all messages. Default is 1 (no debug messages). Higher bits are more important messages in general.

--precomp_cyl #

First cylinder to apply precompensation on. Cylinder number starts with 0. Default is to not apply precompensation.

--precomp_ns #[,#]

If single number is specified its used for both early and late precompensation. If two numbers are specified the first is early and the second late precompensation. Value is in nanoseconds and must be 0 to 30. Default is 0.

--unbuffered_seek -u

Use unbuffered/ST506 seeks. Default is buffered/ST412.

--version -v

Print program version number.

Execute setup_mfm_write once before using mfm_write. With the version 11.# operating system image you can use setup_mfm_read after setup_mfm_write and vice versa without needing to reboot.

Use mfm_read to verify the disk is properly written after writing the image.