Core nonvolatile so could just start OS/8 at 7600 unless crashed
RK05 bootstrap at address 30 6743 5031
RIM paper tape loader 16 instructions
Earlier had more LED and switches so simpler to operates. 8/A used keypad and 7 segment displays. DECmates no longer had front panel.
Diode ROM boot loader board available
Set all switches to 0 (down)
click on EXTD
set switches to 0030 (000 000 011 000)
click on ADDR
set switches to 6743 (110 111 100 011)
click on DEP
set switches to 5031 (101 000 011 001)
click on DEP
set switches to 0030 (000 000 011 000)
click on ADDR
click on CLR
verify HALT and STEP are up
click on CONT