This is the front of the Calcomp 563 incremental plotter showing its name plotted on the paper. To draw the pen in the middle moves left and right while the drum the paper is on rotates up and down. The pen can be raised off the paper to allow pen movement without drawing. The paper is pin feed with holes on each side so it will move with the drum. The paper is fed from a roll of paper behind the drum with the take-up reel at the bottom of the plotter. I have a few rolls of paper though seldom use it since the proper width pin feed paper is no longer made. For demonstrations I often use pin feed printer paper. The plotter didn't come with a takeup reel so I am using a piece of CPVC pipe. The paper taped on the right above the control panel was added by the original owners at the University of Washington to hold a razor blade to cut the paper after a plot.
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