Eddie Frie recently donated this nice box of accessories for my Calcomp plotter. Back when this plotter was new the accessories came in fancy wooden boxes. This one contains ball point refills, pressurized ball point refills, sights for aligning the plotter with graph paper, a roll of cellophane tape for attaching the plotter paper to the tape up reel, a pen solenoid top and holder for the normal ballpoint refill.
The pressurized ball points are dated 1980 and still draw pretty well. The normal ball points either wouldn't draw or skipped some. A sample of drawing with them by hand is in the lid. The colors didn't reproduce well in the picture. The red and green are brighter and closer to the color than the picture shows. Both types had black, blue, green, and red refills. No black non pressurized refills were left in the container.
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