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PDP-8 DF32 Disk Drive Closeup of wirewrap backplane

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Current size small. Select new size for picture   Small ( 85K)  Medium (166K)  Large (319K)

The wirewrap backplane of the DF32 disk drive. The connection between circuit cards ( 58K)  are made with all the yellow colored wirewrap wire you see on the front. The switches are wired in with the other colored wire and the blue wires are engineering change orders (ECO) made to the unit to improve operation. The two switches which don't match are replacements since somebody had removed them from the unit. I have since gotten better matching switches. In the lower right you can see the labeling of the pin numbers to help you find the correct pin for troubleshooting. On the top row of pins you can just see the red sleeve they put over every fifth pin to help in counting to the correct location.

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