1 0010 *10
2 00010 0213 IPTR, TXT-1 / -1 since auto-increment
4 0200 *200
5 00200 7200 CLA
6 00201 1410 LOOP, TAD I IPTR / Get character
7 00202 7450 SNA / Halt if zero
8 00203 7402 HLT
9 00204 4206 JMS PRT
10 00205 5201 JMP LOOP
11 / Prints a character to teletype
12 / AC and link zero on return
13 00206 0000 PRT, 0
14 00207 6046 TLS / Send character
15 00210 6041 TSF / Done sending?
16 00211 5210 JMP .-1 / No
17 00212 7300 CLA CLL
18 00213 5606 JMP I PRT
19 00214 0310 TXT, "H;"e;"l;"l;"o;" ;"W;"o;"r;"l;"d;15;12;0
20 $
Classically only upper case used. I use lower case.
Text normally stored in 6 bit but decoding wouldn't fit on a single slide.
6 bit text can be given as string.
Need to decide rules such as does subroutines return with AC & Link cleared? Forgetting to clear link then using rotate causes intermittent program errors.